The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

Kiss your money goodbye. It’s common sense.


Agree that he probably won’t pay. That’s why $100 is a good bet in this spot. There is chance he might pay. Once you start going 10K or higher, he’s definitely not paying.


I asked him what mechanism exactly would they use to reinstall Trump and he brought to Brazil.

He’ll definitely pay. He’s wealthy, has an ego, and 15 people in the lounge heard it.

I’m not sure $100 gets paid with people of that ilk, make it under $90

That’s good, but also means that you probably left some money on the table there.


You just rolled a 0.

worst thing about catching randoms slippin’

the movie?


No. Something about Brazil’s election being fraudulent and they installed the other guy. I dunno, I zoned out after the bet and he kept rambling.

mind blown. maybe he was confused with ukraine 2004. maybe you can win another $100 by betting which countries could possibly have installed the other guy.

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Do this. But up the wager. Way up.

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I’m not random, I’ve been registered on this forum since the beginning and with the same name at 2p2 since 2005. :cry:

And if this is a reference to the forum drama, mods are welcome to check my ip history. I’ve never used a VPN and never logged into any other accounts. I did browse the Programming thread earlier though and welching is a good and appropriate word to use here.

i meant betting with a random bc they’re running their mouth and they lose, and come up with some reason why the bet was a joke


yeahh pentagonal trapezohedron has been around forever

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Sorry, I was just yanking your chain. However, “Welching” is actually a slur against the Welsh aka “sheep shaggers”.

Twitter Files are going to go down as one of the craziest things in history.

Meaning all the people who made a big deal about it were clearly crazy.


This a weird 88 reference?

Well pretty much every country with a lot of sheep is referred to as sheep fuckers, one’s with goats are goat fuckers, so it’s really more of discrimination against economic arrangements.

Welch seems pretty specific, but it a cognate in the US would be Indian giver, so that’s probably just a general purpose insult as well, like probably something the French say about the Spanish or whatever, maybe Cambodians about Laotians.

Not sure if it has been mentioned anywhere yet (my pony might have a limp), but multiple places are reporting that Trump turned down a Whelan for Victor Bout swap.

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