The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

I’m not entirely sure I’ve ever been to what would be considered a “great” Asian restaurant by world standards.

I’m not snobby in this regard. Some of the best food I ever tasted came from a 70 year old man pushing a noodle cart down the street. In Asia, it’s very common for places to specialize in a single dish. So Pad Thai or Wonton Noodles is just a stand alone business serving that single item. When a restaurant starts trying to serve 20 different things, you end up getting a decrease in quality. Also, the specialization of individual dishes results in lower prices. You are basically paying fast food prices for real food in places like Singapore/Hong Kong/Seoul/etc. I think that this also ties into USA urban sprawl and car dependence which is a negative for food culture/street food.

I am sure that NYC/California have lots of great options, but sadly I have only spent a trivially amount of time in those states.

This is the best place I have eaten in Desantisland.

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I can only speak on Vegas.

I’ve never been, but Wing Lei at the Wynn was the first Chinese restaurant in North America to get a Michelin star. (Michelin no longer rates Vegas restaurants.) Din Tai Fung, which has a Michelin star for its Hong Kong branch, has a location at Aria. I’m not really into fine dining, though. Guides would tell you that places like Nobu, Lotus of Siam, and Mott 32 are supposed to be elite.

I don’t know great, so much as I know what I like. Places I like in Vegas include Ping Pang Pong, Raku, Izakaya Go, Shang’s Artisan Noodle, and Monta Ramen.

Greatest asian restaurant by world standards i’ve been to was DaDong in beijing.

images (18)


Most are OWNED by China, so I don’t blame them!

( truth (lol) | raw text )

It hurts my eyes. Maybe ugliest place I have ever seen.

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All of Donnie Dumb Dumb’s places look like this, except Mar A Lago which looks just as tacky but also cheap.

Meh, put up a few Pink Floyd posters and it would be fine.


It’s so weird how trumps have always been super rich but act like new money in every way.

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It’s the massive insecurity. He can’t just be rich, he needs people to be impressed with the opulence. The irony is that the harder he tries to impress, the more he is laughed at. He’s always been like this, he desperately wants to be accepted be the traditional NYC ultra rich and they just laugh at him.

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I don’t know how the fuck he got into Winged Foot. That’s embarrassing for them.

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It reminds me of the house of those two St. Louis nutjobs who pointed guns at protestors who walked past their house. However, there were some people here who actually said that house was “well done for what it was” or something like that. Looks more or less the same as Ivana’s house to me. I don’t have a good eye for this stuff.

This is a confession


Wtf. No, this is not how any of this works, sir.

“Standards and practices”

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i thought that house was restored?


I have had a company car, I was working for a fortune 500 company and I assure you I absolutely 100% paid tax on personal usage of that vehicle.

Sounds like you’re not all that smart.


You should have practiced standards.


It’s called “standards and practices,” referring, I presume, to the standards and practices of large numbers of people within the Country
