The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

I was confused about “3-time loser”, thought they might be referring to the ‘16 popular vote, but they’re counting the GA senate seats. Fair I guess, but it stems from a delusion that trump was a winner until 2020, and only then acquired the stench of a loser.

“I’d like to think that the Republican Party is ready to move on from somebody who has been for this party a three-time loser,” Griffin said, recounting Trump’s 2020 defeat, losing Georgia Senate seats in 2021 and the recent disappointing midterm results.

If he’s already on executing drug dealers things are going to get wild if it really falls apart for him. We’re live to him saying he’s going to nuke Mexico if elected.

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Didn’t he lose the House in 2018 too? I know most Presidents do, but that would be four-time loser.

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Trump would just say he’s a 3-time loser and a 700-time winner.

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I am in new zealand right now and I can confirm it does not suck. Out in this very affordable house in the middle of nowhere for a couple nights. Terrible place to get away and drink wine


Australia prob more likely to be adversely affected by climate change, no? Already incredibly hot. Shudder to think what it will be like in 20 years.

Prob true, but if it gets too hot, then I’ll just move elsewhere. Doesn’t have to be forever.

My decision has little to do with Trump. It’d be a mixup to get away from it all really. I would practice in a far less stressful environment and work a lot less. Right now I’m working roughly 48 hours per week clinically, when standard full time ER doc works around 32 hours clinically per week. It’s that way for a reason, the constantly rotating shift schedules and stress of 48/wk degrades your decision making capabilities. I see about 100-190 patients per week (depending on the exact shifts I work) with a fair portion being critically ill right now. It’s miserable.

It’s just a dream though honestly. I’m stuck for at least 5 more years… and I’m honestly still stuck after that probably. At least then I can tell them to fuck off and there won’t be a thing they could hold over me.

The irony of saying this with a residence in the shit hole that is the US isn’t lost on me but if the immigration process was easier to other countries there are 100+ places better and I’m not sure it’s close.

Yes I know i will get the same comments I always get with that kind of statement about how great the US us. But no it isn’t. It’s unpleasant from top to bottom.


Not my main reason or even close, but something I can’t help think about: Don’t want kids involved in a mass shooting.

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Better food
Better culture
Better politics
Better community
Better people
Better public transit
Better roads
Less religious nut jobs

And on and on and on. A list of what is better in the US than say croatia let alone a higher end euro nation like spain, germany or france would be interesting to me tbh. Arguably the fast food isn’t even better in the US and that is one of their great contributions to the last 50 years of world culture.

The wild thing is that the US is frankly just boring. All the cities are the same filled with the same corporate nonsense. It has nothing to do with the DJT school of thought that the US is a crime and fentanyl filled hellscape. It’s a hellscape because it’s concrete jungles filled with the same handul of corporate entities for 1000 miles in every direction. That exists no where I have been on earth besides the US.


Maybe if you live in Kansas food in the USA is inferior, but man I’ve lived in Chicago/NY/NOLA/Cali and I’ll take what I eat here over what I ate in Dubrovnik easily. Hell I’d take NOLA food over Italy/France.

Nola food is great obviously. So are the handful of decent food cities in the US. 99% of the US is a hellscape food wise. Compare that to Europe where nearly every town and village has mom and pop shops serving you the good shit and there is no comparison imo.

Comparing the top few US cities to a tourist shithole like Dubrovnik and of course the US wins. Dubrovnik has to be one of the worst places to eat (and visit) in the entire country of Croatia.

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I dunno man I’ve had amazing food in Houston, LA, SF, some random church outside of Houston for BBQ, middle eastern food in SE MI, west coast of MI…

I think you’re way to down overall on food in America overall.

And I had a shit ton of fun and good food in Dubrovnik. It was a great time.

Assuming you spent your time inside the walls zero actual Croatians go there, eat there, shop there, etc. We went to Split, Zadar, Hvar and then there and we were stunned by it being litetally 100% tourists.

The US has good food spots. It has some of the best food spots. Hell i would say OKC even has some hidden gems. But the vast majority of the country eats at Olive Garden and Chili’s and Panera and McDonalds.

The rest of the world isn’t filled with places having teenagers microwave dinners from Sysco.

At least decent ethnic food has spread to the US suburbs, those are pretty much the only mom and pop type shops where I’m at.


After Covid started I am pretty much down to just eating out/ordering delivery from ethnic places. We tried and mostly failed making stuff like pho, thai and indian curries, etc during covid.

There are a ton of good mom and pop ethnic places in the US (everywhere really). I agree with that.

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Here’s the thing. Most of the people contemplating this aren’t ever setting foot in an Olive Garden**.

As mentioned above, I’d be perfectly happy to move out of the country with AOC as pres and dems having supermajorites in House and Senate. My motivation is primarily to just live in a better/different/more interesting place. However, I do think that if you’re in a major US metro, your food choices are generally pretty great and really low on the list of reasons to move.

**I go there somewhat regularly because my kids fucking love the place. However, it has been at least six months since the last time I was there, so maybe they have forgotten it exists.

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Love Olive Garden. Definitely not moving anywhere. Once drove through Little Italy to get to Olive Garden.


Just to sort of end this I agree the food options are probably one of the least important considerations. My views are probably heavily skewed living in Kansas and Oklahoma as well and I will admit that.

I do think the the corporatization of food in the US is off the charts vs. anywhere else I have been and that sucks. Like you point out you can just avoid those places in at least the top 40-50 cities in the US though.