The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

This was a pretty good headline too. Wish ALL media would take their lead


thatā€™s awesome. he definitely sees/hear all that, but canā€™t scold them bc then heā€™s pointing it out lmao.

Thatā€™s good but lacks the same bite.

(image TRUTH)

( truth (lol) | raw text )

The media was also against him in the 2016 primary. Until he won. He can still win without their help. Then weā€™ll really see if theyā€™re done with him.


I remember it the exact opposite. The media led him to the 16 primary win


Fox was against him until it was obvious he was going to win the primary. But not quite as hard as they are now.

The rest of the media gave him a shitton extra exposure for the lolz.


This feels very different. Absolutely everyone is against him this time. Not because theyā€™re offended by his conduct, but because they think heā€™s a loser.



And back in 16 he at least had a clear message of being the anti-establishment, anti-globalist, bring the jerbs back candidate that will make america great again. Honestly have no idea what heā€™s going to run on this time.

This is why whining about the media and the establishment from the left doesnā€™t impress me. Itā€™s possible and a failure to overcome those impediments suggests maybe your movement isnā€™t as strong as you think it is.

Even the Villages has seen enough

ā€œTrumpublicans should look long and hard at this life-long liar and reflect on the good of the United States. Our country was, is, and will be great. We are in no need of Trumpism to restore greatness. Please find an antidote to the Kool-Aid and drink heavily. Come back to this universe!ā€

Vince 2

And did you know his ā€œStop the Stealā€ grift continues unabated? His mid-term fundraising of $150 million has $94 million left unspent. Thatā€™ll buy a lot of solid gold toilets for Mar-A-Lago.

Vince 3


Where to? And how?

Iā€™m curious as Iā€™m contemplating something similar myself.

new zealand ideally, already started the process but their immigration requirements are strict


NZ is pretty great. Iā€™d move there even we had Dem presidents here for the rest of my life.

Itā€™s a non starter for Mme Melkerson. Although if we do get a 2nd Trump term, we might enter negotiations.

Why NZ over Australia?

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nz is really beautiful, high happiness index, very progressive politics/govt, middle of the ocean so in the event of contagion and/or nuclear war itā€™d likely be fine, australia has a lot of very strange and backwards laws from what I know and immigration there is extraordinarily difficult

We looked into this pretty extensively and landed on Ireland.

You found Aus to be more difficult than NZ? I havenā€™t done a deep dive, but I thought thet were roughly the same in that regard.

Roe getting overturned got Mrs. LFS on the ā€œletā€™s gtfoā€ bandwagon. But we loved Switzerland so much, and thatā€™s just never to be.

If youā€™re willing to settle for shitty weather and youā€™re looking for English-speaking, why not Canada?

Thatā€™s my #1. I donā€™t love it, but itā€™s by far the most practical. And I can come back here for short visits very easily.