The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

It’s obviously Blumpkin, dude is losing his fastball. Give me more!


this is the thing, you’ve got these pundits who are like “remember 2016??? That was like the all-star lineup if GOP talent and Trump demolished them, he will steamroll desantis” and they have zero ability to ingest the obvious fact that 2022 trump is like 200% duller than 2016 Trump. Go back and watch those primary debates where he’s zinging little marco and making YOUR MOM jokes to Jeb!, then watch some dumb 2022 rally where he’s moaning about melania’s underwear drawer or whatever.

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from here:

Further down the page he has this magnificent call to arms: “We have not yet begun to fight! It’s time to push back against the cheating Dems! Support cartoons in one easy click!”

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Some wags on this site quickly brainstormed
“Yawn DeSantis”, “Rhonda Santis” and others because “Ron DeSanctimonious” just ain’t popping.

Does UP have a Truth account? We should troot at Trump some of the better DeSantis nicknames we came up with.


Just write it in Sharpie and mail it to Mar-a-Lago in a big envelope. Mark the outside of the envelope something like: “New Time magazine cover photos, ATTN: The Donald.”


“It would be entirely outside of the rule of law to not indict him,” said former federal prosecutor Andrew Weissmann


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Oh man, I’d give anything to have some menial job at Mar a Lago that allowed me to casually leave comics and things like this around where he was sure to see them.

holy fucking lol


i just realized that he probably doesn’t type but uses voice to text. so the parenthetical chinese bit is him talking to himself in the middle of a tweet


Hmm. Voice to text doesn’t really jibe with random capitalizations, but who knows?

yeah trmp or someone else still has to do the perfectly chosen punctuation too. it just struck me that Young Kin is what voice to text would produce

It’s racist though, the only thing his supporters love more than funny

I imagine him dictating to an assistant who types them up on a selectric before sending it off to the social media department (presumably Barron)


( truth (lol) | raw text )

Seems like his stream of nonsense is breaking the bot. He’s doing a LOT of re-Truthing lol, maybe that’s what’s causing it? Anyway

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( truth (lol) | raw text )

bot sucks again. and not just because it’s retruthign an idiot

WE WON! Pelosi is gone, we take Congress and, if we can stop their very obvious CHEATING, will also take the Senate. Big Victory, don’t be stupid. Stand on the rooftops and shout it out loud!

( truth (lol) | raw text )


In the olden days we’d smack the record player when it started to skip like this.