The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

Not if Trump splits off even 3%

There are people who have made Trump a central part of their identity who likely sit out an election when he’s not on the ballot. It’s hard to know if that’s offset by right learner’s who would vote desantis but not trump.

It seems like right wing rags tend to hedge their bets everytime there’s a bad trump news cycle then they always come around within a week or so. There may come a time when he gets knocked down and stays down but God damn he’s beaten the 10 count every time so far, there’s no reason to think he won’t this time until the count actually gets there.

He keeps losing though.

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edit: haha, this was already posted 11 hours ago, and it’s still pulsing with relevance.


Love it when a dude has to apologize to his wife and his work wife at the same time.



Clark County, Nevada, has a corrupt voting system (be careful Adam!), as do many places in our soon to be Third World Country. Arizona even said “by the end of the week!” - They want more time to cheat! Kari Lake MUST win!

( truth (lol) | raw text )

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I put the last few Trump posts into a predictive text generator and this is what it gave me:

To be perfectly frank, it was really the Awful, Shameless and Dishonest New York Times, that was a problem for me in the months leading up to Election Day. I Endorsed that damn paper out of loyalty to Carl Hiaasen, whom I had known from the Miami Herald. He passed, having been so abused by that asinine publication, and one of the last decent and honest men working in the USA, today.

The Times was simply malicious and vile, and they still are. For whatever reason, President Obama and Hillary went after him in their despicable Op Ed piece, that had in it fake claims of “Russian Collusion,” with NOTHING to do with the prior election. This is the way the Times will drag out my legacy for years to come.

I only regret that I did not have the courage to abandon that swamp in the summer of 2015, and stand for real journalism, which was the way things should have been done. In hindsight, I guess I was in the habit of thinking I knew what was best, while they were actually following a crooked line, designed to destroy an honorable life.

I guess I was in the habit of thinking I knew best, while they were actually following a crooked line, designed to destroy an honorable life.

As usual, I am talking nonsense, and those of you who are familiar with these things, know that I would NEVER jump on a bandwagon, I only jump on one when I am 100% sure I am right.

When I say the Failing New York Times is Fake News, I’m not talking about the asinine commentary. I’m talking about the Fake News!

The Failing New York Times is Fake News. A VERY BAD ENTITY!


So crazy how transparent the plan was to steal in 2024. God damn I feel good about those lunatics losing. Best I’ve felt after an election since 2012 I think.

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:popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn:

(Lol twitter and Elon got me)


That is fantastic!

We all do.

Actually, is this the only way Trump can ever apologize for something? Not for the thing he did, but for the “fake” stories about it?

This looks like a fun thread







Needless to say, this is pretty rare. Not unheard of, but maybe a 1 per 5 years for a judge.

So who is responsible for this case and others like it? The rule of law is undermined by
the toxic combination of political fundraising with legal fees paid by political action committees, reckless and factually untrue statements by lawyers at rallies and in the media, and efforts to advance a political narrative through lawsuits without factual basis or any cognizable legal theory.
Lawyers are enabling this behavior and I am pessimistic that Rule 11 alone can effectively stem this abuse. Aspects may be beyond the purview of the judiciary, requiring attention of the Bar and disciplinary authorities. Additional sanctions may be appropriate. (DE 280). But legal filings like those at issue here should be sanctioned under Rule 11, both to penalize this conduct and deter similar conduct by these lawyers and others.

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