The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

I have to agree with this

Could Katie Porter ever be a nominee in the Democratic party? I’d vote for her in a heartbeat

Anyone have a list of viable candidates? I can’t even think of too many that don’t make my stomach churn. Maybe Beto or Warren?

For what, 2024?

Here they are:

  1. Joe Biden if he wants to run again
  2. Kamala Harris if he doesn’t
  3. End of list

Not in the current environment. The closer she would get, the more the media would ramp up the attacks by transcribing Republican and eDem attacks on her as if they were fact.

You’re forgetting Newsom. I have him ahead of Harris if Joe doesn’t run, and probably not running at all if he does.

jerry brown 2024 is the only ticket i’ll vote for

If the eDems are convinced that only a white male not named Bernie Sanders can win and are capable of blocking anyone who doesn’t fit that criteria from winning the nomination if Biden doesn’t run, but are open to compromise if you can give them a candidate who does, who do you put forward?

Newsom would beat Kamala in the primary surely right? We need an heir to Bernie’s throne in the worst way but I’m not sure it matters when you start realizing how many election cycles that would take to have a chance and how many we have left before legit elections aren’t a thing here anymore.

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If people were just left to their own devices and picked? Yeah, probably. But if the eDem machine decides they want Kamala because she’s “paid her dues” or whatever, the she’ll win because the whole eDem party apparatus will get moving and you’ll have Obama and the corpse of Biden and all their allies rallying support for Kamala.

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Kamala is truly an idiot. This in no way means she won’t be the nominee

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Sherrod Brown or Brian Schatz

[I wanted to add Jamie Raskin because I really like him, but then I thought about the dark money funded ads that would be run about his son and I threw up in my mouth a little]

Can it be time for a 3rd party to win (and no, Yang)?

Edit: I guess a 3rd party would first have to run


i promise that newsom is as repugnantly e-dem as someone possibly can come.

if he can look and play the part i guess it doesn’t really matter anymore, though, I just really doubt he would.


He’s nakedly ambitious and would run over his grandmother for higher office. So if he were convinced that actual progressivism would get him elected to national office, he’d go that route. Whether he’d actually follow through once elected is a different question.

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Can someone who’s smart answer my question? Is it possible for a 3rd party to win in this country yet? I don’t see why not, but I know so little about it. I’d vote for a 3rd party who wasn’t a libertarian

Edit: Full blown Libertarian. I think I agree with some Libertarian views, but not Rand Paul style Libertarian

it’s routinely wild to me (but understandable I guess) to see characterizations of him as some sort of progressive champion, my perspective from within the state is not quite that, especially knowing he married into political royalty via the pelosis. he has a good PR team, certainly.

I agree he would, I just doubt those policies are so popular that he’d buck the establishments current straddle the center and lose anyway strategy.

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Agree on all of that. His willingness, lately at least, to not be one of the “we must find common ground” jerkoffs and openly say “fuck these people” is pretty appealing. Ditto for Beto.

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