The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

I shot a pretty courageous 91 on Saturday. Very gutty.



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( truth (lol) | raw text )

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( truth (lol) | raw text )

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A begrudging complete & total endorsement lol


Even the GOP expects Garland to indict. If he doesnā€™t, he is arguably a worse traitor to the country than Trump or any of the other seditionists

Itā€™s absolutely mind boggling how a serial criminal like Trump is able to sell the proposition that an indictment of clear and obvious crimes would be a political witch hunt that would devolve into anarchy for the country. Iā€™ve always said that Trump isnā€™t the one who scares me. Itā€™s the millions of fellow citizens who are gullible, disinterested, and dumb enough to go along with such a clown

If he isnā€™t indicted by 12.31.22

He will never be indicted.

Because of the 2024 election?

I honestly donā€™t see why he couldnā€™t have been indicted before now. Heā€™s NOT even a candidate! Itā€™s truly astonishing how this guy can bluff his way through anything. He lost the popular vote twice. The house and senate were lost under him. Heā€™s been impeached twice. This is a man so despicable heā€™s been banned from social media! Yet he somehow retains a choke hold on an entire country

Iā€™ll tell you who I blameā€¦ The media and anyone else who repeats every word he utters for clicks and likes. Some of us are guilty of it here. He should be completely irrelevant. Heā€™s an emperor with no clothes. Yet he can take a worthless dusty shard of glass, wipe it off, and sell it to the world for a billion bucks. What we have here is a case study of what braggadocio can do if you say it loud and often enough

My feeling is this

Letā€™s just assume in this hypothetical they are going to indict 100% (lol)

I think they wait until after the midterms to keep the neckbeards at home

If itā€™s 8 weeks after midterms and they still havenā€™t indicted

They arenā€™t indicting him

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Ding ding ding!

Hard to view the most likely single individual to be president of the US in 2025 as irrelevant. I kind of feel its necessary to keep some sort of tabs on what heā€™s up to.


This simply isnā€™t true. While he might be the front runner for the Republican nominee (and thatā€™s far from a given), he is NOT the single most likely individual to become president in 2025. Again, he lost the popular vote twice. The last time by record numbers of people turning out specifically to vote against him

If you just step back and look at the reality of things. Heā€™s been reduced to being holed up at home and pathetically ranting on an app that had to be created especially for him because heā€™s banned everywhere else (although that will likely change now)

Heā€™s less than relevant but for the media and everyone else repeating every word he says as though it matters. Heā€™s a master at getting free publicity. If everyone just stopped reporting on his insane rants, heā€™d be about as relevant as me or you imo

Heā€™s not more likely than not to become president, but gun to head if you had to pick one person to be the next president at worst (for Trump) its Trump/DeSantis/Biden in a very close three horse race. I dont think changing my statement from ā€œTrump is the most likely next presidentā€ to ā€œTrump one of the three favorites to be the next presidentā€ changes much about my statement.

Hes very very relevant to the 2024 election, that much we know for certain.

Media is culpable for the way they cover him, but cant say that heā€™s irrelevant.

I guess itā€™s a testament to how good he is at manipulating perceptions and creating an alternate reality that we all have to live in. Because I donā€™t see it that way at all. Dems put up two of the shittiest candidates they had. He narrowly beat out one (while losing the popular vote), and lost to the other (arguably worse) one. Heā€™s a two bit carnival barker and itā€™s positively disgusting that anyone gives him the time of day if you ask me

I love when libs cite the popular vote as if it has any meaning at all


I mean, I have some bad news for you about the likely 2024 Dem candidatesā€¦

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He also got 11 million more votes than he did the first time. He made percentage gains in every ethnic/gender category except for white men.

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LOL this is still a thing?

I will not just stand by and let you besmirch Mitt Romneyā€™s good name.


Dem establishment could work with that if Biden cant go, ā€œhes the only one that can save us from orange manā€. They definitely choose him over Bernie if it came to it.