The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

That’s my theory. He is endorsing random state senators, gotta be some fixed pac ‘donation’ for an endorsement

In before Trump posts that “This is what Happens when there’s a Stolen Election. People are Very Angry”.

You can’t bring a case in the 6 months leading up to a primary, in the 6 months leading up to a general, or while the votes are being counted or the election is being disputed (so like 6 months after). So…

Texas had its midterm primary 3/1/22, so 9/1/21 was the cutoff before primary season. Primaries ran through June, so we were well into the pre midterm window. Midterms will still be disputed until at least like 5/15/23, so nothing can happen until then.

The first primary debates will be starting around June, so that backs you up to January 2023 just in case the election isn’t still being disputed. Then it’s off to the races for 2024.

Oh and if you wanted to bring it before September of 2021, well, they were still disputing the 2020 election so that’s just tough shit.

Sorry, guys, those are just the rules!

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(video TRUTH)

( truth (lol) | raw text )

Jerry Lee Lewis was beloved by everyone, a real bundle of talent, energy, and everything else necessary to be a star. He just passed away. Our warmest regards to his wife, Judith, and family. He will be missed!

( truth (lol) | raw text )

Wasn’t this guy some kind of sex pervert pedo or something? Feels too on the nose but I’m honestly not sure.

Jerry Lee Lewis was the devil
Jesus was an architect, previous to his career as a prohpet


It kinda seems like the whole world has forgotten that when he was 22 he married his cousin, who was 13.


Who, Trump? Yeah, he definitely was.


( truth (lol) | raw text )

from Imgflip Meme Generator


i like how trump says the dems are cheating all the way down. they cheat by voting multiple times, letting noncitizens vote, and by miscounting. but all of this can be overcome if i go out and vote republican with my 1 vote? that might not even get counted?



Lol, that should have been a Muellershewrote tweet.


It’s still kind of mind-blowing that there is a large group of heinous actions that Trump and his supporters can take and none of them are deal-breakers for even the most casual Republicans. I’d like to see a survey where the main question was “Would you still support Trump?” And then give a list including stuff like “if his supporters assassinated prominent Democrats?” “If he joined with Russia in the fight against Ukraine?” “If he expressed total support for diversity in hiring, housing and all portions of society?” etc… Only the last one might be a deal-breaker.

This idea has come up before. IIRC someone proposed such a survey and all the items were things Trump actually has done (but, of course, you don’t mention that at the beginning). At the end of the survey you tell the respondent that they answered No to X questions (and re-read those X items). Verify with respondent that that correctly reflects their views, that if Trump did any of the X that the respondent would no longer support Trump.

Then spring it on them that Trump has done each of those X items (giving as many specifics as necessary)!

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Unfortunately, they would just respond with “Fake news” and tell you to fuck off.


If Trump stays on Truth but is also reinstated to Twitter, will we need TWO Trump bots?

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My guess is he’ll be posting duplicate shitty takes on both sites.

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