The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

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Completely gone, blitzed, blattered, and almost kind? I’m missing the context here, but what he says is reasonable political nothing talk if you don’t know who he is. “God bless the Palestinians” is not something I’d expect him to say sober.

He doesn’t drink, and I actually believe that, so what combo gets you coked up breathing, slurring words, and ‘I love everyone’ without alcohol?

Noted conman D. Trump pushing Lyin’ Ted Cruz’ book on a site called “Truth” would collapse the universe into a black hole of irony if we weren’t already inside one.


iirc the best theory at the time was that his dentures were coming loose.

Right before “and finally…” he does this scrunchy thing with his face like he’s sucking in his teeth or something.

But I also remember some people didn’t like that theory because rich people aren’t supposed to have dentures. :man_shrugging:

Endorsing a county judge candidate?

Are these people paying him for these “truths”, or is he just endorsing the favorites to pad his stats?

Fetterman was way worse than that fat Donnie clip


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Blink twice if you’re ok.

He’s so excited to have his Twitter account back on Monday.


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this fucking guy lol

He is just the absolute Platonic ideal of the worst person of all time. He’s got it all. He doesn’t miss. It’s astonishing sometimes.


What office do you hold again sir

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