The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

Can we break down this 40%?

I’ve always considered what we’re in as being more of a class warfare rather than a right v left or even people of color v white

Of the 40%, I’d say at least half that is poor, and probably 99% are not billionaires. In other words, we should be on the same side fighting for the same causes. This is where the Democratic party has failed miserably imo. Their messaging truly sucks

You’re at step 2 of 4

Step 3 is realizing Dems don’t actually want to do anything

Step 4 is realizing it’s completely hopeless


Doing the right thing in the face of impending fascism is a hard and dangerous thing. The Dems aren’t remotely up to the task. I don’t think it’s a lot more complicated than that.

The only out we have is the current iteration of the GOP not being serious about what they say openly they are going to do. Because they will have the power they need to implement it shortly.

I think I posted this before, but hitlers nazi party didn’t have but like a third of the electorate when they took power but they allied with others, that didn’t think they would do what they had already said they would do, to get in power, and even people in hitlers close circle had different ideas than him, things changed once he was in power obviously.


I actually disagree slightly in that once it actually happens Dems will genuinely want to do something. Obviously won’t matter by then.

Cactus still baby stepping his way to the truth. Keep at it, man. You’ll get there.


I’ve avoided serious discussions with my dad and deplorable step-mom my entire life because my dad was so belligerent and convinced that he was 100% correct that trying to break through that level of supreme confidence would be an exercise in futility. People are brainwashed and they vote super hard. Dad went into memory care yesterday and already has a buddy who is also unable to form coherent sentences. Bet he still votes in November tho. Still considering working on my stepmom now that she’s free of that burden. She wants to learn poker and I’m thinking about teaching her the difference between feels and reality before moving on to logical fallacies. I’m going to need to implement some strategies to keep myself from getting emotionally invested in the outcome. All right! I’m off to watch Joe Rogan interview Ben Shapiro…wish me luck!


I’m not completely dumb or blind. I can see the same things y’all do. I just don’t see how a woe is us defeatist attitude does any good whatsoever

With or without MAGA and Trump, our politics is broken and it might be becoming that way (or already is?) with the rest of the world as well. The Dem party was never gonna save us because the real battle isn’t between red vs blue, or even conservative vs liberal values. Those fights can come later. Right now the non elites need to rise up and take back all that was stolen from us in underhanded ways by the greedy 2%

Except 49% of that 98% don’t think they were robbed by the 2%, they think they were robbed by blacks, illegals and NPR.


People are trying to lower their expectations so they aren’t tempted to jump off a ledge the day after the election. It’s self-preservation.

Then how do we educate them?

There are different methods of self-preservation and I’m guessing no one will like mine, so I won’t even start that derail. But it’s the only thing I can see working

Go get a hundred billion or so and start a media empire that actively tries to work against the wishes of the mega-rich.

Absent that you can’t.

We were all here at some point between 2016-2020. Everyone broke at a different moment. For me it was seeing the Democratic Party establishment unite to nuke Bernie with a ruthlessness they have absolutely never deployed against Republicans.


I think I broke earlier, but this was extremely impactful for me. I’ve never seen them come together like this for anything ever.

I broke when he said ban all Muslims from entering the country until who gives a fuck and it was like lol yup he started polling 10% better. I knew it was over then.

Complete and utter failure of the lol Mueller investigation was mine.

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