The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!


This is more than 5 years old and it was already a joke back then. I bet this time is different!

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Fuck no!

My bet is not looking good


It never was. When is he supposed to be charged by for you to win?

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I’d have to look it up. It’s documented ITT. The bet I believe was within 1 year and we made it not more than 2 months ago

It’s really polarized where Garland is concerned. He’s either made the decision not to prosecute under any circumstances, or he’s teeing it up to thread the needle and it will be a surgical prosecution never seen before

But even if Garland falls thru, I still have Fani Willis who I have no doubt has the courage and will to follow thru. There’s also the chance that some other jurisdiction will indict, so all my hope doesn’t rest on Garland

As an aside, why is it that women seem so much more courageous than men when it comes to this? Would Trump have been indicated under Sally Yates if she were AG?

It doesn’t matter at this point. Even getting to trial by the 2024 election is unlikely now, let alone all the appeals.

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An over generalization, but I think a lot of women and especially women of color are more clear eyed about “the system” and it’s imperfections. Compared to older white dudes like Garland they might not have as much reverence for norms and doing things a certain way just because it’s the way they have always been done.

[Eta: also note that James and Willis are elected officials in blue areas, and have aspirations for higher office, which could make them more likely to follow the desires of their voters, while Garland isn’t likely to be running for anything]

Yates is an interesting question. On the one hand, she definitely showed some backbone when she resigned. On the other hand, I could see her previous experience with Trump might make her reluctant to pull the trigger (b/c it could look like a retaliatory prosecution). Also, she currently works at a law firm that has hired a ton of former Trump admin officials like Gina Haspel and Rod Rosenstein. So, she’s clearly not a Trump fan, but I think she also buys into rules and norms and respect for institutions… So IF she prosecuted I think it would be based on a slam dunk case and she’d really to try to have all her ducks in a row before moving forward.

So how does this play out going forward? Trump skates on it all and then when Republicans gain control, they unabashedly impeach and charge crimes to every Democrat under the sun from now until the end of time? Or until we’re no longer a democracy and they don’t have to? And we the people just continue looking on in horror? This is straight out of a bad movie

The “we the people” people are fine with it all. They’re about 45 percent of the population.

Yes, we will have permanent minority rule. It’s astonishingly obvious when you look at it rationally.

Republicans will have the House for 2024. There is simply no way a Republican House certifies a D president ever again. They’re quite honest about this.

On top of that, republicans have all the state legislatures that matter and will never give them up (see Wisconsin for the blueprint and aftermath, the D governor can’t govern at all). Gerrymandering will not be stopped by the Supreme Court, which will accomplish everything the GOP can’t do legislatively.

Otherwise smart people seem to think it won’t happen simply because it hasn’t yet. The Republicans are quite eager to tell everyone how this is going to go, but libs simply won’t listen.

We aren’t special. This has happened a million times other places and now it’s going to happen here.


Do you really think that’s the case? Or is it that they are oblivious to the peril this nation is facing?

Maybe it’s 40 percent. Yes, have you been paying attention? Personal economic comfort and protection of privilege is way more important to that subset than anything else.

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