The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

Sounds like a threat to me.

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Is it really illegal if you never face any serious consequences? You need to hang with more people with that NJ mentality.

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Get a load of this idiot with political fascination


You still feeling as good about Ronnie shipping it?

I’m sure being a woman had nothing to do with that.

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It was also 20 years ago.

Could you imagine Watergate now? Lololol

Something kinda hit me today. I looked at you, wondered if you saw things my way. People will hold us to blame


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Imagine being this stupid. How does he function for basic day to day tasks?!

I misread Lee Zeldin as Led Zeppelin and for a brief second, I was a strong Trump supporter.


I legit cannot tell if that is a real guy or a cardbord cutout.

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Did anyone happen to notice that Truth Social is Number One, ahead of TikTok, Twitter, Instagram, Amazon, and all others? Just asking!

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Great Poll Numbers. What does that mean?

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Huge if true? Gotta love how literally everything possible is completely wrong with wind turbines. How could people get this so wrong! You really get to believe anything you want if you’re a Trump supporter.

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