The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

ladies and gentlemen, we got him


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Legal paper debt that heā€™s never paying? Definitely closer to 100 million than 10 million.

No way. Trump may not have been a billionaire before he became president, but he sure as shit is one now.

ā€˜JusticeMattersā€™ being a term used anywhere let alone America is a complete farce

A new book is out by highly respected Presidential Historian Craig Shirley. Interestingly, it is called, ā€œThe Greatest Speeches of Donald J. Trump.ā€ Thank you Craig, I hear you got it right!!!

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Truth Social was Number One on the Internet today! Subscribe now!!!

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For the best value in this category I recommend:

Devil, The. The Greatest Speeches of Donald J Trump: Escalator to January 6. 1st ed., Burn in Hell Publishing, 2022, 250 pp (blank and suitable for wiping your ass).


When they say Justice they donā€™t mean what you mean when you say justice. In their world Justice means cops killing black people, liberals losing elections, and gay and trans people being shunned and suffering at the edges of society. To conservatives these things are all Justice - the dead black man deserved it for not being subservient enough, the liberals deserved it for not loving Real America enough, the LBGTQ person deserved it for being a weirdo.


The entire US political apparatus, from top to bottom, is a grift. Nobody actually believes anything they say.

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I saw a story the other day that his august legal bills was like 3.4 million. Problem is the some of the super PACs that help pay these bills are raising very little money now.

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