The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

We got him

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I’m not saying Garland will indict, but the timeline is consistent with how Garland might pursue matters if he intended to indict Trump. However, it is also consistent with how Garland would pursue matters if he did not intend to indict Trump.

I’m kind of agnostic about whether Trump will be indicted and I almost don’t care because I know Garland isn’t going to give us the propagandizing show trial that I wish we could have.


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For real, I hope Trump tells Congress to fuck off and refuses to show up. Let’s dispose of all this lawbro bullshit, Chuck and Nancy are not going to send the Sergeant at Arms to kick Trump’s door in; Garland isn’t sending the US Marshalls out —let’s just stop the bullshittery and admit that Trump is above the law because he’s a reality TV celebrity.

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The Unselect Committee is a giant Scam, presided over by a group of Radical Left losers, and two failed Republicans, the likes of which our Country has rarely seen before. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

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I will be putting out my response to the Unselect Committee of political Hacks & Thugs tomorrow morning at 8:00. Thank you!

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Shouldn’t he take a nap before his big announcement in a few hours?

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Olds need less sleep. Also sure he takes armodafinil or something

I doubt he has anything that high-tech, it’s probably just dex.

I couldn’t remember what the deal was with that photo of boxes of Sudafed in Trump’s drawer so I checked Snopes:

Rating False. OK, let’s read…

Taking at face value the reasonable-appearing claim proffered in that thread that the drugs in the drawer are the product “Sudafed Mucus Relief Day & Night” would suggest that the drug abuse claim is fatally flawed. This formulation contains phenylephrine, which would mean that the drug Trump is allegedly abusing for a high is not capable of delivering such a high in the first place.

This seems ridiculous, partly because it relies on Trump knowing that the pseudoephedrine has been substituted and partly because phenylephrine is still a stimulant. If you’re just taking it for wakefulness it will still kind of do the job, and there’s caffeine in those pills too. But it’s also kind of funny to me that they’re like “it’s phenylephrine, which doesn’t work” because yes, that is absolutely true:

Two studies published in 2009, examined the effects of phenylephrine on symptoms of allergic rhinitis by exposing people to pollen in a controlled, indoor environment. Neither study was able to distinguish between the effects of phenylephrine or a placebo. Pseudoephedrine and loratadine–montelukast therapy were found to be significantly more effective than both phenylephrine and placebo.

So if Trump really was the victim of the pseudoephedrine-phenylephrine switcharoo here, I feel his pain. Can we please get this useless drug off the market and get back to getting Trump properly high and my sinuses properly unblocked?


Like the steroid? Not how that works. That’s a temporary affect. Also pretty easy to get modafinil or armodafinil.

Steroid? I meant dexamphetamine.

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This will never happen. When Trump refuses to show up, the lawbros will absolutely never ever ever admit that the legal system is failing. They will effusively praise the craftsmanship of the next hollow subpoena, appeal, etc., and they will insist that this is all Actually Good and that in all likelihood it was Garland The Great’s plan all along to bait Trump into defying a subpoena because that is Very Serious. They are like QAnon at this point, you can never shake their emotional dependence on the narrative.

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