The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

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If it is him posting the text then yes. If itā€™s some bot he pastes a block of URLs into and it autogens a title and posts, then no. Or collect them and do one dump post every day.

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Yes. Yes. Here comes the good stuff.

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LOL Trump linking Mother Jones.

The Unselect Committee knowingly failed to examine the massive voter fraud which took place during the 2020 Presidential Election - The reason for what took place on January 6th.

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Trump is going to be subpoenaed? Guess itā€™s all over.


Why didnā€™t Crazy Nancy Pelosi call out the ā€œtroopsā€ before January 6th, which I strongly recommended that she do. It was her responsibility, but she ā€œdidnā€™t like the look.ā€ Crazy Nancy failed the American People!

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ā€œThe Unselect Committeeā€ is definitely one Trump thought up himself. I imagine heā€™s very really pleased with it too!


Unselect committee is so lazy. Heā€™s losing it.

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yeah of all the dumb insults he has, ā€œunselect committeeā€ is so ā€¦ low energy. sad.

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LOL why didnā€™t Nancy Pelosi call in troops? Seriously?

He does make a good point here!


Why didnā€™t he volunteer, even demand, to come in and have his say under oath? He could provide documents, waive privilege, and refuse to take the 5th. Whatever it takes to expose the TRUTH!

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When unstuck threads collideā€¦

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Just think about the ratings ā€¦ bigly

