The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

I’ve mentioned this several times before on the forum, it’s a common trick that bad actors use to capitalize on people’s instincts. People are hardwired to distrust people that hide things and trust people that are open and transparent. This is a good instinct and it works 99%+ of the time, but professional bullshitter types like Trump go their whole lives saying “yeah I did the thing so what that just makes me smart” and the vast majority of people will have an instinctive reaction to think “well, it can’t have actually been that bad if he’s not trying to hide it”. It absolutely shouldn’t work on important illegal stuff, but it absolutely does work on the rubes. Fox will get way more traction with completely made up WHAT ARE THE CLINTONS HIDING stories than Dems will ever get with LOOK TRUMP FREELY ADMITS HE DID THE BAD THING narratives.


Yeah who is going to tell George. LOLOL Merrick Garland is still defending him in this case

So, Trump is contending that ex-Presidents can steal government documents and then negotiate with said governments to give them back? Now that’s a winning strategy if ever I’ve heard one. Certainly, ex-Presidents can also steal documents to sell them to other countries, but its okay as long as you “negotiate”?

Trump never “contends” anything, it’s just noise.

The only shred of solace I take in this madness is that the both sides asshole journalists will be the first ones loaded onto the trains


I’ve said that I fully expect him to be arrested and if anything, this article dissuades me a bit. Garland just might feel it’s too political. However, my biggest question is if I’m correct how will it go down?

If they try to coordinate turning himself in with his attorneys as opposed to just showing up and arresting him, he’ll surely get on Truth Social and try to whip up his base into a frenzy

Ans what about bond? A trial will no doubt be lengthy and if he’s bailed out, same thing for possibly months

I don’t think people realize just how airtight Garland’s case has to be. A swing and miss would be worse than doing nothing at all. I also don’t think the delay has much to do with the midterms, but rather letting Trump keep on incriminating himself as much as possible

Just logged in because I heard about the nationwide adderall shortage. Disappointed.

lol documents


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Here’s how it’s going to go down

Nothing will happen. Ever.


@JDVance1 will be great for Ohio!

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“We’re asking a court”.


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Trump volcano set to blow any minute now.


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