The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

(testing: I think this is only a link and would cull it)

( truth (lol) | raw text )

(testing: I think this is only a link and would cull it)

( truth (lol) | raw text )

Can you have it post once an hour or daily or something to tell us how many links it culled? Should be wildly entertaining.

In fact maybe a daily report?

Today, former president Donald Trump posted:

73 Truths
48 were culled for having no text

His busiest hour was 8 p.m. when he Truthed 18 times.

0 of his Truths were factually accurate.

TrumpBot estimates that 27 Truths were Truthed on the shitter.


Snap call a Jeb administration if the alternatives are Desantis or Trump, but both of them kill him in a primary and he’s definitely not running.



Goofy spending more energy on this bot than his job at this point!


Can we make Trump, Desantis, Jeb, and Marco run for President of Florida and leave the rest of us alone?


( truth (lol) | raw text )

Took a surprisingly long while to bring that up. Potential problems with voting must not really be that big a priority.

Sooooo low energy…



Just fucking LOL at these tweets still happening, now, in October of 2022.


I wish I could be there when this brief comes before the Court. The justices awestruck as the edifice of the diamond-hard legal argument is constructed before them. As subclause follows clause and the full majesty of it unfolds, the shimmering, radiant perfection of its form moves many of them to tears. Samuel Alito sniffs, dabs his eyes with his robe and raps his gavel. He leans forward into the pregnant silence and whispers simply “Fuck you, no”.



Right this second? Yes they can use it and the classified shit isn’t going to the special master. After Uncle Clarence finishes reviewing the appeal? I predict no.

Guys like Katyal make hundreds of dollars per hour to keep up the act, so I can’t blame him.

Hundreds? He bills at $2,100 per hour

1 Like

I’m assuming that’s his billable rate, so a lot of that will go to overhead. But in any event $2,100 is 21 hundreds.


Some goes to overhead, but as a partner he also receives approximately 1/3 of associate and paralegal billables.

Good point.