The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

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Nobody gives a shit about Columbus Day anymore



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What about Moses? The teleprompters look a bit like stone tablets.

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Ten commandments you say? Nah, Trump canā€™t count that high.

Is he 10/10?

Thereā€™s a piece up at the Atlantic titled ā€œThe inevitable indictment of Donald Trump.ā€

I clearly hate myself, so I read it. Itā€™s basically a fawning biopic about Merrick Garland. All about how principled he is, his weighty respect for norms and institutions. That heā€™s aware of all our criticism of him from us here.

Bonus: it uses some great SAT words that Iā€™m sure really resonate with the more MAGA-inclined readers, like ā€œobviate,ā€ ā€œprobity,ā€ ā€œobdurate,ā€ and more.

And it concludes that Garland is getting his process down unassailably perfectly, and weā€™ll all seeā€¦. By Spring 2023 at the latest.

Am I the asshole for perpetuating this never ending farce by giving it my click?



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What I really need is for @Riverman to read it and give us a line-by-line reaction like Fire Joe Morgan used to do with terrible sports journalism

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Weā€™ve actually gotten to the point where I can no longer tell the difference between real and sarcasm with regards to ā€œTrump is in real legal trouble this timeā€ posts/articles etc. So Iā€™d say just keep clicking away and lets see how long we can keep this going for the lolz.

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I feel that what this thread needs is a good Jeb Bush zinger:^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1579270408448405505|twgr^0b19983f99c5cda0449f555cc3be0f8e63a89363|twcon^s1_&

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Heā€™s running.

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