The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

pretty sure you need some type of auth to scrape programatically. unless your html parsing skills are elite. not saying goofy code isn’t elite. but … well, he probably doesn’t want trmp bot to be on his tombstone or resume.

reminds me of the jankiest thing I ever wrote, python weirdly doesn’t have very good support for the equivalent of curl --resolve for certain types of connections (lets you see whatever IP you want when hitting some host), so I basically rewrote the equivalent of /etc/hosts and had to hack stuff like at the socket level to get it to work inside the aws lambda.

it’s commented all over the place with “do not ever ever touch this i have no idea what it does but it works”

I don’t think the images come from the bot, I think it posts the image URL to the forum. Then our server requests it to cache, but we’re flagged either for too many requests, or because of the Discourse user agent, or maybe just because the IP is DigitalOcean.

ok makes sense. you could probably fuck with useragent to see if that brings back images. but i personally wouldn’t spend any time on it. fuck the bot.

“Brazil's Bolsonaro says ally Trump would have averted war in Ukraine”

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Any way to remove the referer in discourse set up? That’s the only way they can tell the request to see the image comes from UP.

It’s possible they have an allowlist that is solely Probably most likely.

Dunno. I don’t remember that being easily editable, but I haven’t admin’ed a Discourse install in well over a year.

Actually you probably can’t delete the referer nm.

ITT grue invents hotlinking.


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(video TRUTH)

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This whole thing is sounding shadier and shadier, and as usual LOL Florida. Every fucking thing you hear about in Florida is blatantly criminal, covertly criminal, both, or extra both.

Mr. Tarasenko was a former business partner of Inna Yashchyshyn, a Russian-speaking Ukrainian immigrant who gained recent notoriety after an investigation by the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette and the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project in August revealed that she masqueraded as a member of the Rothschild family and went to Mar-a-Lago, where she made inroads in the former president’s inner circle.

In prior interviews with the Post-Gazette, Mr. Tarasenko said that he met with the FBI and turned over a host of documents and photos tied to an investigation into Ms. Yashchyshyn, her trips to the former president’s estate, and businesses she formed – two with Mr. Tarasenko – over the past seven years.

I’m no criminal mastermind but I don’t think the first thing you should do after cooperating with the FBI on a counterintelligence investigation is give multiple interviews with the old Post-Gazette about it.

Will be a very big day in Nevada. See you there this evening!

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2nd these questions, this seems like it’s either big news or some sort of MeullerSheWrote resistance baloney

There does seem to be quite the occurrence of folks that don’t toe the Putin line ending up dead.

I’d be pretty confident that the “falls”
in Europe are probably really murders.

This one, I haven’t seen anything one way or the other. Just fun speculation so far.



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