The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

14 consecutive posts in one thread has to be an Unstuck record. Working very hard, thank you!

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Trump asks Supreme Court to intervene in Mar-a-Lago search case

They call it the Supreme Court because theyā€™re the most unbiased court there is

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It would convince more people that the entire thing was a witch hunt and liberals are out of control than it would convince that SCOTUS is super politicized.


Have you met 6ix?


The great country singer, Loretta Lynn, passed away today. She was beautiful both inside and out, with the voice of an angel. She will never be forgotten and thankfully, her music will go on forever. Rest In Peace, Loretta!

( truth (lol) | raw text )

trump gets the news rbg died

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Loretta Lynn supported Trump in 2016. He probably doesnā€™t even notice she died otherwise.



Not enough compute power in the world to display the amount of lolLeos this tweet demands.


Well if he gets convicted of one felony heā€™s going to be convicted on multiple felonies. But. Still waiting on that indictment

But letā€™s be honest, if the indictment comes, weā€™re just moving the goalpost to never getting convicted. And if convicted then never going to prison. And if in prison then getting a pardon. Or some version of this.


My exact thought. I smashed the heart button over and over again laughing

Still. Getting indicted is still a good end goal at least.

Him getting convicted / pardoned is a good result

Heā€™s never getting pardoned. Heā€™s never getting indicted either, but heā€™s not getting pardoned if he is indicted.

President Desantis would like a word.

President Desantis is not going to free his biggest political rival. Heā€™s going to blame the Democrats for putting him in prison and then say that he doesnā€™t want the appearance of blah blah blah. And Trump wonā€™t be saying anything to anyone because if thereā€™s one thing Iā€™m absolutely sure of itā€™s that 90% of the point of sending Trump to prison would be to get him to shut the fuck up.

Imagine youā€™re Ron Desantis and you just became POTUS. What do you gain personally from pardoning Trump?

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Yeah I think a pardon would more likely come from someone like a President Herschel Walker. But America would never elect someone that bad to be President, so nothing to worry about. Trust The Process!


You have to run on MAGA and promise to set him free.