The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

The “I don’t like banks so banks can’t be defrauded” line is a little basic for this forum, no?

We need a little levity itt


is trump lactating in that photo

oh nvm it’s a vic berger photoshop

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That’s not the line, it’s that the banksters certainly knew Trump was lying so no harm, no foul.

That is level 1 though. Level 2 is why would banksters want to lend a shitload of money to someone they know to be an obvious fraudster like Trump. The answer is that there are crimes upon crimes here so just keep digging.

Trump didn’t fool the banks, instead he worked with individuals at the bank to get them to knowingly approve his obviously fraudulent submissions!


It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on his not understanding it - Upton Sinclair, maybe.


Bigly money cough laundering

Yeah, he’s laundering money through Manhattan office buildings, somehow with the help of banks via loans he paid back?

This is exactly why this shit from the AG is stupid.

Cayler Ellingson of North Dakota, a great Republican Patriot with an unlimited future ahead, was struck by a truck and killed. The person that did this was a deranged Democrat maniac who was angry that Cayler was a Republican. The Media doesn’t want to cover this horrible event because of the politics involved. If it were a MAGA Republican that drove that truck, it would have been the biggest of all stories. We LOVE Cayler, AND WILL NEVER FORGET! Warmest condolences to Cayler’s family & friends.

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No idea what this fat bastard was on about. Here’s the CNN story on it.

Brandt told a 911 dispatcher the victim was “part of a Republican extremist group,” according to court documents. Authorities did not provide further details of Brandt’s claims nor the specifics of the alleged argument.

man, the writers have gotten lazy this season




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Screenshot from 2022-09-23 21-32-40

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We gotta keep our country gate derp derp

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Nuclear classified documents we can assume?

Srsly tho that mofo painted himself gold.

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Just claim he was a protestor, they’ve basically legalized that now