The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

Starting early, he could set some single day posting records at this pace

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What’s the deal with that election bill? Is it good? Is it gonna pass senate? Lol no?

It’s fine and it will pass unless lol Sinema decides to do a dance and thumbs down it

“Survey: 68% of Americans Felt Safer 2 Years Ago with Trump in Office”

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Two years ago, I was hiding in my house.



if they did 5 seconds of research they wouldn’t have loaned him to begin with so yes

What is possible is that Trump’s individual counterparts at the banks had weird reasons for wanting to make loans to him on terms that weren’t backed up by the real #s so Trump submitted fake #s to help them jam it through all the necessary approvals/regulatory requirements.

Same thing as the “liar’s loans” that were widespread in residential mortgage market.

Jfc people. They didn’t just decide to ignore their own common sense. There is only one reason. Shenanigans. Major shenanigans. Of the most shady kind.

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You’re just wrong, guys.

Many of the banks are shady in their own right. Money laundering alone provides enough of a reason for why they’d do business with him


DB Douche: Sorry, as a fellow mega scumbag and world class douche, I’d love to work with you but this deal doesn’t underwrite.

Trump: sure it does, you just have to factor in my pipeline of fellow scumbags from around the world that will buy my condos at inflated prices to launder their money.

DB Douche: ah, I got you. Sounds great! But I can’t just write this up as a money laundering vehicle…. Could you please get in touch with our fellow douches at Mazaar’s to put together some financial statements? Of course there is no way in hell they will provide audited statements, chuckle, but do need something for our records.

Trump: of course, haha. And you make sure that the appraisal gets done right.

DB Douche: obviously….

If he defrauded and harmed the banks, wouldn’t the banks have sued/be suing him?

Banks knew for a fact that Trump was committing fraud but worked with him anyway?

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