The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

“Just the Truth: No More Fake Politics — We sorely need an end to fake politics and the uniparty and demand more truth telling if we are to witness the return of greatness.”

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“The Brilliance of Trump’s 2015 Announcement Speech, Seven Years Later — Donald Trump threatened to kill the liberal golden goose—to stop the shakedown of the white middle class. That’s why they hate him.”

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“Warp Speed: My Inside View on a Trump Administration Triumph”

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“Donald Trump would carry Missouri if he runs in 2024, exclusive polling finds”

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(image TRUTH)

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“Chuck Schumer says Nancy Pelosi is ‘in trouble,’ declares Democrats will lose House: report”

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Holy fuck, he’s going for a posting world record in UP. Largest volume of posts in shortest time frame. Might even be a 2+2 record.

Exactly one a minute this has to be a bot.

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It’s either a bot or a coked up narcissist.

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Racist A.G. Letitia “Peekaboo” James, the failed Gubernatorial candidate, is now running second to strong crime fighter MICHAEL HENRY. This could be a big upset because she has been a terrible A.G. when it comes to protecting the people of New York State. Murder, Rape, and Drugs are totally out of control-There has never been a more dangerous time than this. She is grossly incompetent, her staff knows it, and so does everyone else. MAKE NEW YORK SAFE AGAIN!!!

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The investigation again continues with an indictment forthcoming

I’m trying to understand the logic of thinking he’s untouchable. Is it because you feel that at the end of the day a conclusion will be reached that a former president cannot or must not be indicted? Because literally everything else is leading to an eventual indictment. I know y’all think I’m so naive, but I can’t even think of a scenario where it doesn’t happen

I checked if that was what’s happening earlier in the truthstorm and it didn’t seem like it, it’s actually being posted about once a minute. there is no chance it is him and I’m doubtful even an aid could fire these off so quick.

(sees 80+ new posts)

“maybe we got him”


“ah well nevertheless”



You can save a lot of time checking if we got him yet if you just scroll to the next riverman post.


so tempting


This has been the case for almost a decade now and nothing has happened.

For anyone not named Donald Trump - I’m with you but… cmon man.