The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

LOL yea unless Spicy Biden can continue pulling miracles out of his god damn decrepit ass, I see the current state of things as a total checkmate. I hope I’m wrong! LOL. God damn. I have to laugh to stop from crying.

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I want to fight this guy in a steel cage match until one of us is permanently crippled.

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That’s how my exes described me in the bedroom. Not sure if good/bad

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The Real Jeffreyepstein of Jeffrey Epstein would be ideal, I suppose.

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6 of 11 of those justices were appointed by Trump. A randomly selected 3 judge panel will make the decision. I preduct “Lol, Fuck You” will remain undefeated.

I think Biden beats Trump in 24 heads up, but a lot of that depends on who wins the elections next month, especially in PA.

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My intuition is that what really matters for 2024 is how much Republicans will be allowed to cheat. They could win a fair election because voters are morons, but at least it would be a fight I think. But if they are allowed to cheat as much as they want to cheat and are signaling that they intend to cheat, nothing else really matters.


If the wrong people win in PA and AZ, 2024 will be unwinnable.

Shout out Democrats passing zero voting rights and/or anti-rigging legislation with a trifecta.


Nothing in 2024 matters other than preventing cheating. Gop will be cheating at every level, in every way, and with total unashamed gusto.

Polls and actual platform merit mean nothing.

There definitely will be cheating, but the fact that Republicans can win without cheating shouldn’t be ignored.

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If the economy is in the toilet they won’t need to cheat at all

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