The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

lol. what a loser! someone posted an alleged quote by trmp, which he has to retruth “so true!!!” reeking of john barron energy.

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“David Dennison” unfortunately gets frequently overlooked, but he may be at work here

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A BIG Saturday night in Ohio!!!

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Can someone give me cliffs on the Special Master? Is this a normal thing in such proceedings, or is it yet one more special Trump buffer to ensure he never suffers any consequences for his crimes?

Not a normal thing but even worse the judge said the government has to halt its investigation lolololol

Sorry to interrupt but, has anyone confirmed that Jeffrey Epstein is dead?

The real Jeffery Epstein or the body double that the Clinton’s embedded with help from Soros?

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I’d like to see old Donny Trump wriggle his way out of this one!


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I’m just glad none of you fucks took me up on the [strike]sept 1st[/strike] august something indictment bet I threw out there!

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haha “known as exceptionally slow in his pace” could’ve been one of my work reviews, that phrase is funny

that’s the nicest way to say “he is slow as all fuck”


We have a winner!

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the stall strat for trump is actually smart. think about it. he can survive until he runs again, of course he’ll win, but at that point we’ll be in such a dystopian state of constant misinformation that the noise will drown out anything actually horrible coming out even if it’s completely smoking gun treasonous. And even if it were to be believed, there will be the whole “well you can’t go after a political candidate” idiotic norm we’ve somehow established to mean you can’t ever charge a political person for anything ever.


like, I kind of get why people like him - he is exposing corruption in washington, by being completely corrupt as possible and getting away with it.


Plus at that point there’s no point even trying to take him down, if he didn’t go down for trying to overthrow an election, what’s he going to go down for? Certainly not doing it successfully.

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It’s even more fucking hysterical to me that this almost certainly all started because he got his fee fee’s hurt at a party where obama made some dumb jokes that weren’t even that funny about him! hahahahaha look at how far this has gone from that. That’s their origin story, anyway, whether or not it’s true, he wants people to believe it is, so it may as well be.

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Thanks, Obama!