The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

Yep. “They” declared him President again.

Yep. This thread would be 500000 posts longer if he was subpoena’d.

I mean, he’s in golf shoes which is weird and he’s getting into a US government vehicle, which is weird. A reporter from The Independent thinks they’re DHS plates. Maybe some sort of a threat on him (Iran?) so they moved him somewhere secure? Not sure why Homeland Security would be arresting him or doing anything along those lines.

How can people tell he is wearing golf shoes from that picture?

Maybe some DHS wall-building schmuck that didn’t get fired invited him up for a photo op with some kids in cages.

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Hopefully they are taking him to see that waterfall that was featured a few times on the Sopranos.

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Or, y’know the simpler explaination which is that former Presidents still have Secret Service protection [including drivers] and the Secret Service is part of DHS

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Mainly cause they’re white shoes and he doesn’t bowl.


He was probably just playing golf at his shitty VA club. It is 9/11 after all, he was either doing that or bragging about how his building in NYC is still standing. Maybe both.

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Guys guys let’s just calm down and trust the professionals, I’m sure MUELLER, SHE WROTE will crack the case imminently.


I like how the case here is “Trump is wearing golf attire and did a flight on his private jet”. Wild stuff man. Don’t tell me he watched some cable news next or you’ll really blow my mind.


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Don’t get me wrong, I’m flattered my opinions have such an impact on you, Wichita, and some others. But when you dig them up months later when they have nothing to do with the topic at hand, you give yourself away. If you had an intelligent rebuttal to anything I’ve said ITT, you’d have made it, instead of bringing up looters in a conversation about Trump’s legal troubles. It’s okay to sit one out when you have nothing worthwhile to say, instead of embarrassing yourself trying to pull an insult out of thin air


It’s insane how extreme both sides when the reality is almost certainly somewhere in the middle. It’s a shame there’s no financial options market for this

What’s your idea of a plausible explanation that is “somewhere in the middle”?

Ok I’ve been on the fence about you and this post makes it clear that you are a troll


Hanlon’s razor, tho.

Nah that post is specifically created to troll. It makes no sense otherwise

I know irl radical centrists who insist the answer always lies somewhere in the middle.

Yeah I’ll support this. I’ve seen/spoken to loads of people with these views (I often find them to usually slant conservative more than anything). Often (not speaking for Cactus) wear holding these views as an intellectual badge of honour. Tilting but they do exist.