The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

What’s the other side here?

People want to believe he’s in trouble, either legal or medical. Presumably, the other extreme is that it’s a complete nothing burger. I’m not sure what the middle of that is, which is why I asked Cactus what that is. He could certainly be the sort to insist on the truth being in the middle without bothering to understand or define the extremes.

What we do know is that Trump’s plane flew from West Palm Beach to New Jersey, stayed there for five hours, then flew to DC. It doesn’t seem like he made any trip to NYC for a 9/11 ceremony and he doesn’t appear to have any events planned for Monday.

Nbz you illustrate how there’s no other side here, and in fact the middle is wrong (the most likely thing is a nothingburger). Cactus is using language that this board uses waaaaay more than other parts of the internet (the both sidism criticism approach) in a way to piss off people here. It would seem deliberate trolling for most people, and coupled with his other posting it almost certainly is.

His posting doesn’t piss me off.

There is only ONE reason he could be in the DC area and it’s to be arrested for treason


I don’t get all the Cactus hate. His takes are like talking to my parents or tons of other boomer liberal centrists.


Monster’s right. It’s common sense.

If nothing else, the speculation is fun.

So far

1 arrested
2 deposition or grand jury
3 dc hotel getting raided today
4 health related
5 threat to trump
6 reinstatement day (!)

Anything else?


Suddenly remembered that Tiffany exists and came to visit her?

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Because Ivanka turned him down?

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Good ole Maggie holding on to that shit

Extreme 1 - The DoJ isn’t going to do shit. Garland is a pussy. Garland doesn’t care. Trump is gonna get away with it all and he’ll win the 2024 election and be president again!

Extreme 2 - Trump landed at Dulles in golf clothes? He must be getting arrested or turning himself in! The DoJ should get smart and check Ivanka’s casket. He’s going to be in prison any day now. He’ll get the death penalty for treason

Why are people having such a hard time understanding what it is we know, and don’t know, to make reality based assumptions? Anything on each side of the extreme could be true, but what we know is that Trump is in so much legal peril that any objective observer should reasonably conclude that there is next to zero chance he walks away unscathed enough to ever be president again. I mean, that’s a reasonable “somewhere in the middle” conclusion that doesn’t require upper boundary extreme thinking that the DoJ doesn’t care or that he’ll be hanged for treason

I personally think he’s in a shitload of trouble on multiple fronts and will almost certainly be charged and likely convicted,of crimes at least involving the document theft and possibly others. I think that’s a reasonable somewhere in the middle assessment giving the data we currently have to go on

How are you concluding this? He’s one of the 3 most likely people in the country to be elected in 2024.

He’s a clear #1

Mueller She Wrote is just Louise Mensch with a college degree.

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How have they not at least renamed the Muller She Wrote podcast? Are these chumps still holding a candle for the Muller Investigation?


He’s not! Why do you think this? Because his is one of 3 names being bandied about as a potential candidate in 2024? He couldn’t even beat Joe Biden in 2020. How’s he going to beat anyone in 2024?

That’s another extreme I should’ve mentioned. This notion that the MAGA crowd is more powerful than they are. Polling shows that even amongst Republicans they’d rather not see Trump run and he’s way down with independents

I’m not going to get anywhere arguing this because I can’t prove something that’s unfalsifiable. Time will tell. I’ve put my money where my mouth is regarding him being arrested within a year. If anyone wants action on whether he’ll win another US presidency, for the love of god please DM me. It’s not gonna happen

By cheating, dude.


I agree this is a real concern and why we should all be focused on winning the midterms. I don’t think they have the apparatus in place quite yet to overturn a presidential election, but they are getting close if we don’t stop them now