The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!


I’d like to see Ol’ Donny Trump wriggle his way out of THIS jam!

He has a standing order that any photo he takes is automatically authorized.


Bad guys in quotes because he means ‘political opponents’ and ‘critics’

Man, thats a lot of pharamcists gonna get the chair

So now the FBI & Biden Department of “Justice” leakers are going to spend Millions of Dollars, & vast amounts of Time & Energy, to appeal the Order on the “Raid of Mar-a-Lago Document Hoax,” by a brilliant and courageous Judge whose words of wisdom rang true throughout our Nation, instead of fighting the record setting corruption and crime that is taking place right before their very eyes. They SPIED on my Campaign, lied to FISA COURT, told Facebook “quiet,” preside over worst CRIME WAVE ever!!

( truth (lol) | raw text )


It’s headed for the Trump packed 11th district. DoJ only wants the 100 classified docs not subject to privilege claims? Now we find out how corrupt the system really is. I know Riverman would much rather not have to say, I told you so

Am I remembering right, that at some point in the last 5 years, there was some absurd SCOTUS ruling where they twisted themselves into a pretzel to rule in Trump’s favor, but then were like, don’t use this in the future as precedent because it only applies in this one specific instance.

I expect we’re headed for something similarly absurd here. And if that never happened and I imagined it, well then I imagined what’s about to happen.

Unless Trump is able to stall long enough to regain the presidency and disband the DOJ, and let SCOTUS off the hook.

That definitely happened, don’t remember what it was over

……They leak, lie, plant fake evidence, allow the spying on my campaign, deceive the FISA Court, RAID and Break-Into my home, lose documents, and then they ask me, as the 45th President of the United States, to trust them. Look at the I.G. Reports on Comey, McCabe, and others. Things are safer in the middle of Central Park!

( truth (lol) | raw text )

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ha! a dog whistle that only boomers will recognize. bold strategy


it’s even stupider than that. he declassified those troopers identities.

This kind of stuff makes me feel worse for some reason

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It should! You’ll get there eventually.


yes every time you read a law bro with “HAHAHA their arguments suck and our arguments are airtight, this is a SLAM DUNK” you should watch this

the end explains it all


I don’t remember that happening with Trump, but that is how Bush v. Gore was decided. It’s a card they won’t hesitate to pull out in their neverending game of Calvinball.

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What’s not to like. A DOJ brief!!! Written by an A team!!! Clarity & Law!!! This deserves all the “we got hims” we can muster.


“and you know who the sucker is?”

(whispering) “it’s you”


It makes me think of Mexico where their federal police (I think) are always wearing face coverings to hide their identity during perp walks. USA is not far off especially if Trump does get charged as I’m sure he’ll openly call for violence (well … more openly).