The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

“It was necessary for TRUMP to keep these documents safe from the illegal Biden administration” is definitely a line I can see him taking.


Let’s see some of those notes and scribbles in the margins of the classified docs

lebowski rubbing


I read this so you don’t have to.

It is not good.

It’s a technicality but I bet Trump can still get the RNC to pay for the calliope needed to follow the clown car of his dunce attorneys, providing an appropriate soundtrack to and from court appearances


I need new contacts. I initially read that as “Trump has fled…”

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This definitely works on the general public. Median humans assume that if someone does something bad then they will hide it. If you don’t hide it, they will assume that it wasn’t bad. Arguably this is the whole reason the classified documents are somewhat landing as a scandal - it looks to the casual view like he was hiding secrets. People HATE that, even if they don’t know what the secrets are or if they’re important. We are just socialized to distrust people that hide things and trust people that are open about what they’re doing.

how do top secret documents work in 2023? its safer to have documents printed on a type writer carried around in cardboard boxes than for it to be digitized? Whole thing is bizarre.

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Cant believe I stressed over minor filings to make sure every minor detail was correct for fear of committing malpractice. Meanwhile these assholes just type up the most outlandish laughable shit and ship it in without a worry in the world.


The entire legal profession relies on a fiction. None of the bullshit you’re taught to care about in law school matters at all. It is all just a clever, elaborate scheme to launder the crimes and reputations of the outrageously wealthy and powerful. The dead guy from Michael Clayton had it right.

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Was is all of “fox and friends turning on him” or just Doocy? My entire viewing of F&F is basically clips on the interwebs, but based on that, Doocy seems like the least insane of them. Can’t imagine the others turning on him even a little.

+1 million. I need someone to curate this shit better. Ain’t no way I’m actually going to try to seek out the footage myself.

More confessing

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I did not recognize his office without a diet Coke and a Big Mac wrapper.

The dipshit actually thinks the problem is that the super duper top secret shit is in a pile on the floor. Like everyone would be cool with it if they realized it was in his desk drawer under the empty adderal and gas station dick pill bottles.

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I’m truly bewildered by the “don’t let them trick you into thinking classified documents were just strewn about the room” line of bullshit. Who thought that? Nobody thought that. I guess it’s just throwing fake outrage every which way because nothing means anything and they’ve got to rage about something?


“Your Honour, this is not how my dinner table looked like when the FBI raided my residence!”


You know what would really make the FBI look like a bunch of incompetent buffoons?

Trump should post a Truth with pictures of all the classified documents they didn’t find during their illegal raid!


You don’t quite get how bad-faith bullshit works. He knows perfectly well it’s bullshit, he just needs to flood the zone with endless bullshit and make people talk about that.