The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!
19,000 emails planning the insurrection on his work computer at a university… let that sink in.

Looks like Eastman is going to go through some things. If anyone gets hung out to dry from the prior administration it’s this guy.

Unbelievable that the presiding judge had to even bring this up,

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Chapman is a local Orange County conservative school, but generally old schoolish conservative. They care about respectibility. It’s pretty clear there was a faculty pressure over Eastman and they had no problem tossing him aside. It’s conservative but orange county has changed and it’s still California. I went to an entrepreneurship program there in HS and have been to legal education events there a few times.

Regardless of national politics, if he’s pissed off his academic colleagues he’s fucked. Those people know how to hold a grudge.

List of wegothims as long as your arm:

Even if it turns out to be a legal nightmare for Trumpworld, it will still be a political wet dream.

“The public interest here is weighty and urgent,” said Judge David Carter in a 16-page ruling rejecting Eastman’s attempt to scuttle the subpoena for thousands of pages of his Chapman University emails. “Congress seeks to understand the causes of a grave attack on our nation’s democracy and a near-successful attempt to subvert the will of the voters.”

“Congress has previously conducted similar investigations into attacks on our country, such as those of September 11, 2001, and the War of 1812,” he noted. “In these circumstances, it is reasonable that investigations might reveal evidence of criminal acts or other wrongdoing. … Accordingly, the Select Committee’s subpoena is within its legitimate legislative authority.”



Feds never showed up at his door which explains why he had to go to their door to get them to notice him by insurrecting in their faces.


I didn’t know the committee had a twitter account. I’m also surprised there were this many people who were stupid enough to think this would work and simultaneously knowledgeable enough about the process to try to fake it.

The Eastman emails are going to be good.

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I thought the same after that video where he asks for applause.


Every time I see the side of Trump’s head, whatever he used to keep the hair slicked back on that side reminds me of that scene from There’s Something About Mary where she uses cum as hair gel.


A reminder of the parody-adjacent day-to-day life of the Trump White House:

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investigating??? WE GOT HIM??!???

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That’s the beauty of it, we don’t even have to get him, the shame of being investigated is punishment enough. I think he’s learned his lesson!


I didn’t have mosdef is really Susan Collins on my Clue sheet.

As in Roe “was killed in the Senate with gullibility by Senator Collins”

I am large, I contain multivitamins.

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Can a Lawbro explain what is going on here? Lawbro Twitter is pretty worked up about it, major we got him vibes.