The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

Trump Club is having a real one over the FBI raid:
Dear Trump Club!

CALL TO ACTION: We all need to work togetheras one to fight against the liberal deep state. America is at its precipice…the brink of a dangerous and disastrous situation. It appears that we are no longer a democracy…we are no longer a two-party state. We are being run by a national security state with ties to a globalist tyranny who is denying individual sovereignty and self-governance in America.

The apparent infiltration of Democrats in the local Republican arena, (RECs, Moms4Liberty, local conservative clubs, etc) is part of this diabolical plan to rid America of a two-party system. The intimidation tactics and smear campaign they are currently utilizing to undermine Republican leaders here and across the country have been bought and paid for by liberal forces working to destroy America. The unprecedented, politically motivated raid on President Trump’s home should be a wake-up call for ALL Americans to fight back on the local, state and national level. It’s time to stop these fake candidates from spreading lies to demean our conservative efforts.

On Monday morning, FBI agents raided President Trump’s home in Mar-a Lago, FL apparently as part of a U.S. Justice Department investigation of the alleged removal of official presidential records even though President Trump’s attorney had been cooperating in their requests. The investigation comes after the U.S. National Archives and Records Administration in February notified Congress that it had recovered about 15 boxes of White House documents from Trump’s Florida home, some of which contained classified materials.

Trump previously confirmed that he had agreed to return certain records to the Archives, calling it “an ordinary and routine process.”

“These are dark times. After working and cooperating with the relevant Government agencies, this unannounced raid on my home was not necessary or appropriate,” Trump said.

If this was simply another “records request” why would they; perform a RAID when the family was not home, not allow Trump lawyers (or ANYONE) to watch as they raided Mar-a-Lago, remove ten boxes of material from the home without leaving an “items removed” list, remove documents of a general nature including letters and mementos from Trump’s presidency (letters from Barack Obama and Kim Jong Un, and other correspondence with world leaders), comb through Melania Trump’s private wardrobe, break into his safe, refuse to show a search warrant to Mar-a- Lago staff, and demand they turn off the video cameras?

Even Politico said, “One perplexing aspect of the Mar-a-Lago search, at least to some legal analysts, is that the crime reportedly being investigated does not seem to match the unprecedented tactic of an FBI search of a former president’s residence.”

Adding to the hysteria is the fact that the magistrate Judge who signed off on the “warrant,” was none other than South District of Florida Magistrate Judge Bruce E. Reinhart. Bruce Reinhart donated to President Obama’s campaign, made a small donation to Trump’s primary opponent Jeb Bush in 2016, and in 2017, posted anti-Trump comments and woke content on his Facebook page. Altogether, just this much was probably enough that Reinhart should have recused himself from the Trump warrant.

In 2007, Reinhart was an assistant U.S. Attorney in the Southern District U.S. Attorney’s office, which was then prosecuting the Jeffrey Epstein case. Reinhart abruptly resigned on January 1st, 2008, and the very next day, he switched sides and started representing several of Jeffrey Epstein’s lieutenants and co-conspirators, helping them get complete immunity from the government.

So how did Reinhart get assigned to this case? Why would a newly-hired MAGISTRATE JUDGE sign a search warrant authorizing a raid on a former President of the United States who is also a current candidate for the next Presidential election? None of this makes sense.

A source close to the former president expressed concern that FBI agents or DOJ lawyers conducting the search could have “planted stuff” because they would not allow Trump’s attorneys inside the 128-room building to observe the operation, which lasted more than nine hours.

AZ Gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake said, “This is one of the darkest days in American history: the day our Government, originally created by the people, turned against us. This illegitimate, corrupt Regime hates America and has weaponized the entirety of the Federal Government to take down President Donald Trump.”

Yes, our federal Government is corrupt, and through an abuse of power, these tyrants will stop at nothing to silence Trump supporters like us who are working hard to save America. The brazen raid on President Trump and his family is evidence that the deep state ‘plans a major disruption or false flag’ that would suspend the mid-term elections. It’s clear they are not afraid to violate the rule of law and anger the American people. Maybe they are trying to invoke a civil uprising in order to take down Trump supporters. Don’t fall for this! We are NOT violent. Let them use the ANTIFA tactics. We must remain calm and fight back through the election process…

We are now living under a lawless, tyrannical terrorism regime that’s pretending to be a legitimately elected “democratic” government but is nothing of the kind.

As we press forward, know that with God, all things are possible and the journey to the kingdom is an inward one. Each must travel their own course and use their own God-given talents and skills to the best of their ability to serve the Lord in their earthly purpose.

Remain vigilant and let’s work together for our America First agenda and Gov. DeSantis!

God Bless,

Diane Scherff


Trump Club of St Johns County




This is looking like a fake electors case, perhaps with documents concerning the appointment of such electors and related plans.


Trump has been deposed many times before, not sure why people thought he was going to flip out or whatever this time.

He did indeed lose his shit in depositions before becoming president.

Seems like deposing Trump isn’t working and maybe it’s time to try disposing.

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I’d get into trouble if I phrased it that way.


All your safe are belong to FBI


Bunch of grifters, but the video is amusing


I mean they said the grand jury found evidence he was guilty of a crime, that sounds an awful lot like an indictment. Is there a mechanism for a grand jury to say, “Yeah it seems like he might have done it, we see evidence,” without indicting him?

I have been assured that Grand Juries indict ham sandwiches with great ease. I am assured of this. It’s happening! Signed: Sweet Summer Child’s optimistic legal guardian.

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You probably don’t have anything to worry about as far as this is concerned. 100% lock he has rationalized her as being one of the ones who came in the “right way”.

I’m not saying you shouldn’t cut him off. But this is not the reason.




lol @ theft of property. Yeah, let’s fine him ten bucks for the paper and staples he stole from the public. These lawbros seriously think they’re going to finally nail him with stealing office supplies?

yes, they absolutely believe this because they think the LOL LAW means something

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We’ll charge him with stealing unclassified documents!