The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

Yeah I think that’s what it was because he just switched from “I’m voting for Trump because of this” to “I can’t vote for any Democrat they’re all awful, so I’ll vote Republican no matter what but I hope it’s not Trump.”

So yeah he’s probably been bullshitting me for 6 years.

Yeah, this.

Also this probably didn’t happen

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The mask is off. “Too many illegals!”

Sorry man. I know first hand how bad it sucks to have most of my family infected by the AM Radio/Fox News brainworms. The worst part is it is virtually incurable. Certainly nothing you say or do has any chance of breaking through. Just try and ignore it the best you can.


I’d bet fairly heavily he’s never not voted for Republicans. This is a story as old as time. The right wing party is uncool to discuss especially with the youngs but all these people are voting for them in the privacy of the booth. It’s why polls are always massively wrong. That being said, I am sorry to hear. My parents are deplorables but of the Catholic, Polish, Jews control the world, mental illness variety.


Thanks, it really does suck. I thought I had held off the insanity but I guess not. Unfortunately he’s going to be dead to me. My girlfriend who I’m going to marry is a non-white immigrant. I can’t tolerate this shit or pretend it’s not a thing if he’s voting for monsters who want to make this place less safe for her or get rid of her.


My dad is/was a huge Rush fan and the flag flew at half mast the day he died. And he’s still dead. :rofl:


Well I had a father who was a good and decent person, or at least played one in my life, for 36 years. That’s better than a lot of people get, I guess.

Him accidentally unmasking this way tonight is kind of like the time I found out my ex-girlfriend was trying to cheat on me. Like it made it so crystal clear that it never was a real thing, so it made the path forward obvious. To come out as deplorable because Trump’s house got raided by the FBI?

Tell me you’re a raging asshole without telling me you’re a raging asshole, Dad.


The only thing that has saved my sanity and a few of the most important relationships like my parents is to tell them we under no circumstances are discussing politics or anything political. If they bring it up it is getting shot down and if it happens more than extremely sporadically the relationship is over. The aunts/uncles/cousins/friends who believe in that nonsense have been long since cut off.

I also think the Riverman approach of cutting all of them off is a good way to go if you can stomach it.

Arguing with them is the nut low approach for a ton of reasons.


I think I’m going to have to just cut him off unfortunately. Like it’s not like we are agreeing to disagree about tax policy or economics or education. His core issue is immigration, and the person I love most is an immigrant. What am I supposed to do? Invite him to the wedding and pretend he wants her in this country?


Well, Trump did say that he like immigrants that came in “legally, the right way” or something like that. Just play that clip for him, and I’m sure your dad will welcome her with open arms!



Honest advice - just smile and nod.

I come from a hyper religious, uber deplorable family. I am the only one that isn’t. Over the years I learned it was not only pointless to argue or fight the religious crap, but resisting actually made it far worse. So, I just started nodding and smiling. Not agreeing, just kind of passively acknowledging what they’re saying without giving any of my own input into it.

So when trump came initially I would argue but realized it was pointless and not helping at all, and usually made it worse anyway, so I went back to the same survival strategy and it works great. Now politics is rarely discussed at all around me.

That is, if you want to keep the relationship anyway.


People are complex. They can be good people in many ways and fucking awful in others. If the good parts are of value to you, then keep investing.



I am still quite pessimistic about anything happening to Trump. That said, the crux of his whole superpower has been doing his crimes out in the open without shame. If he actually hid evidence of crimes in his own safe thus implying that he thinks they are crimes and that he has shame about them, one, lol, and two, that massively undercuts his whole brand. Maybe something happens? Eh, meh, probably not, he’s still rich. And he’s rich and political, so even more above the law.


Useful talking point if you feel like arguing with people: