The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

Not to throw water on this, but we don’t actually know that they found anything incriminating.

RM made the point that the"documents" were so sensitive that they couldn’t even be listed or descibed. Tin foil hat on , proof of aliens and that rick scott is their leader.


They specifically build country clubs to keep riff raff out. The irony is lost on these people.

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I’m guessing you could break into it with a Swiss army knife screwdriver. He probably got the cheap model and had the door spray painted gold.


Maybe he was selling classified info to Russia.

haha okay proof of aliens, yes, i can see him keeping that. because it’s GREAT to show off to people. trump loves that kinda shit

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LOLOLOLOL ok this is awesome IDGAF if nothing happens


Coincidence that this didn’t happen until after IRA passes senate?

combination was definitely 123456.

same as his luggage.


Even more curious to see what the Republicans do in 2024 now that it’s all fair game (and definitely wasn’t before …).

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if you’re gonna get into a fight with someone and throw the first punch, it better land.


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Also Desantis now +340, vs Trump +390 for pres post 2024, Biden actually slightly shorter than I’d previously noticed at +700

With that tweet Marco Rubio moves solidly into #1 on my ranking of stupidest people in America (barely nudging out Donald Trump and the loony lady Rep).

OK I realize this is fantasy land but please tell me any federal charges are heard by a DC jury

It depends on way too much we don’t know. But maybe.

Man twitter sure is having a night.



This should have been the meme 15 minutes after Joe was inaugurated. I thought Trump would be on the way to Russia while Joe was being sworn in.

BECAUSE HE DID SHIT THAT IS BAD FOR THE INTEGRITY OF THE FOUNDATION OF THE SYSTEM THAT ALL OF THE MONEY AND POWER IN THE WORLD RESTS ON. SILLY ME I THOUGHT THAT WOULD GET YOU GOT, EVEN IN GODFORSAKEN 2020. And evidence didn’t even enter into it because he did it all in public loud and proud and hitting everyone hard and fast would have led to more than enough evidence being collected to charge a few hundred people with major felonies.

I don’t care if they feed him to crocodiles next week, I’m still not OK with him having enjoyed two extra years of gaudy luxury.

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If I were to make a longshot bet, this might be about Trump selling pardons for straight cash.

I just can’t see how Trump wasn’t selling pardons. Easiest scam ever–it’s not even a scam.