The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

I thought the whole “Big Lie” phrasing was dumb, but apparently it drives that moron crazy so lezzgo.

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The entire purpose of this lawsuit is to get people like this guy to tweet about it

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Basically, it’s gonna be Calais but in America.

I’d think more like South Africa

I dunno man, Nintendo 64’s sound like pretty awesome socialism to me. We talking Mario Kart 64 and Goldeneye?

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Super Nintendo, Sega Genesis
When I voted for EDems, I couldn’t picture this


Sorry, Manchinema have negotiated down to Carmageddon and Superman.

She skipped the caucus meeting today of course

Dude she had brunch plans.

O rly

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I mean in a sense I agree, in that I don’t think the full extent of involvement and support from the Saudi government has been thoroughly exposed. But I don’t think that’s what he means.

Nobody’s gotten to the bottom of 9/11, unfortunately. And they should have.


I assume the answer is in Hillary’s emails.

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Or Hunter’s laptop

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Got ‘em

This is not shopped


Trump’s been going for it all at his recent rallies. He’s also really going after climate change as a hoax. He’s such a shit person I’ve given up trying to describe it. He’s THE shit person.

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Gary Oldman?

This person has to be a dog to live to Election Day 2024

Is that drool or cum on his chin?