The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

Was it DVaut who had the politics = professional wrestling take a while back? It just keeps getting even more accurate.

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Sounds like him. I know he had a very detailed carnival analogy. But I think I remember some sort of raslin comparisons also.

It was specifically conservative politics, about how conservatives view all the heels as being in league with one another, but yes, it was a DVaut1 original, as far as I know. He would be just about ded watching conservative politics literally turn into wrestling.


Surprised The Ultimate Warrior wasn’t next. Man did people pop for that intro.



Hope they have a detox unit at the Bannon jail

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Vince for VP?

USA might as well go full circus. The Rock/Vince 2024!


Wait, did he die?

I’m assuming whatever harassment or worse he has buried is so close to coming out that he is more of a liability than an asset to the board.

It sounds like he paid off multiple women for sexual harassment to the tune of millions of dollars. It’s Probably :vince:

No, no. I was just using “ded” as in killed by the irony, not actually dead.

Gotcha. I was referring more to the “if he could see what was happening now” line.

I actually went to check when his last post was, and he has one from 2020 in P&S!

This is likely him. He knows where to find us if he wants.




DVaut1 legit GOAT message board poster

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Today was the day Donald Trump finally became not president.

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