The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!



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Ben always keeps it horny on main.

love aoc ,but well ā€¦ lol

she really doesnā€™t care, do you?


Buried at the golf club with a stunning view of the first hole

The impact could go well beyond typical conservative targets such as the Environmental Protection Agency and the Internal Revenue Service. Trump allies are working on plans that would potentially strip layers at the Justice Department ā€” including the FBI, and reaching into national security, intelligence, the State Department and the Pentagon, sources close to the former president say.

During his presidency, Trump often complained about what he called ā€œthe deep state.ā€

The heart of the plan is derived from an executive order known as ā€œSchedule F,ā€ developed and refined in secret over most of the second half of Trumpā€™s term and launched 13 days before the 2020 election.

Trump, in theory, could fire tens of thousands of career government officials with no recourse for appeals. He could replace them with people he believes are more loyal to him and to his ā€œAmerica Firstā€ agenda.

Itā€™s amazing how bad many people are at business. See stuff like this all the time, where people expect their dumbshit pie in the sky ideas to self-execute.

Iā€™m currently suing a medical marijuana company that was much better at raising money from investors (to fund their principalā€™s lifestyle) than selling weed.

I think the worst thing you can do in business is to decide what should be big and then devote a business to it, rather than opening a business to do something people want and going from there.

Changed with ethics violations, wow thatā€™s one step past receiving a sternly worded letter.

If tRUmp does win a second term dude is on a short list for AG. Iā€™m sure heā€™s the forgiving type and would never harness the Justice Department as a weapon to settle personal grudges.

That article gave every Republican an erection lasting longer than 4 hours

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Bannon convicted all counts after not mounting a defense.


Trump has a rally tonight. I would live post blog it but I donā€™t know how to watch.

No more excuses.


Can riverman just do a twitch stream where he MST3000ā€™s the stream with commentary?


Oh wow, CSPAN has a whole back catalog of Trump rallies. Look, heā€™s stumping for ā€œDrā€ Oz.

Whatā€™s up with that signature, is it contagious or does he sign everything for her?

