The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

You’re basically falling for something equally as absurd as Trump releasing his health plan “in 2 weeks” for 5 years

Bill Barr rehab tour continues, nothing happens to Trump, they both win

I fucking love it when someone is constantly coming in to this thread saying “no, you guys just don’t get it! Trump can’t do X or Y! It’s against the rules! It will never work!”

It always works. This country has been exposed. We would all be millionaires if we had figured it out 5 years ago and just kept betting everything we had on Trump always getting away with it. Thanks for the entertainment Cactus and company


So not a betting man then?

It would have been so great for Garland to instantly react to the special master decision by telling Trump’s lawyers to have him surrender for fingerprinting and a bond hearing etc.

You can book it. Even money. I just need some time to determine my charity. I personally won’t require an escrow for $100, since you’re a regular enough poster here and I don’t think you’d ruin your reputation by skating. If you would like an escrow, let me know who with, and I’d be more than happy to deposit

To review: We are talking about any indictment of Donald J Trump by any jurisdiction by no later than midnight of 9/6/2023, and not a conviction. $100 wager at +100 odds. Seems straight forward enough to me, but any other details or questions after this, we can work out thru DM so as not to tie up this thread


Sounds good we’re on the same page GL

I am dumbfounded that people are actually engaging Cactus in good faith. He straight up admitted that he argues things he doesn’t believe just to go against the grain.

His only purpose is to be a troll, LOL


Counterpoint: He did bet $100 on it.


At the very least, I’ll finally have forum members (I assume including yourself) rooting for me! :joy: :joy:


I don’t think Cactus trolling here at all.

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The only thing he does is troll

Taking positions you don’t agree with to go against everyone else is the perfect definition of a troll.

Ill be shocked if the bet is actually paid out a year form now.


This is crucial imo.


Rooting for you here is like rooting for the Harlem Globetrotters to win the Superbowl on the planet Mars.

yeah IDK I could have turned it down due to me phrasing it original as federal but I think the odds of him getting indicted by NY or GA or whatever are only slightly higher than the feds. Whatever, him getting criminally indicted by anyone is a huge win. I’d assume there’s no such thing as civil indictments? If so um that’s not a win for Cactus IMO. Can argue about it more I guess if you want but I don’t really care.

Meh. Even if so at least it drives discussion even if everybody else is of the same viewpoint (waaf etc).

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I knew it!

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I mean, everyone acting so goddamn sure they’re right and nothing can or will ever happen to him, did provide the incentive to insert myself into the conversation if I’m being honest. I probably would’ve stayed on the sidelines otherwise. But I also believe that the arguments I’m making are true and have merit. So I’m in no way trolling in the sense darkandcoldak is accusing me of


You’re not trolling, you’re just a couple years behind the rest of us. You’ll get there.