Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

What kind of question is this? There are FOUR investigations about to wrap up. One that we know for a fact a special grand jury has already recommended criminal indictments. Jesus Christ do you all live in some alternative reality?

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Lol stormy Daniels

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Correction. It very much looks like I’ll be the person with a better understanding of math and how probabilities work

He’s been out of office just over 2 years. Since then, everything is pointing towards an indictment. He’s losing court cases left and right. More rulings than not have gone against him. Granted, the DoJ investigation has been insufferably slow and even incompetent at times. But GA didn’t take long. Bragg didn’t take long (once he renewed that investigation)

Also math aside, your conclusions don’t even logically follow. Why would Bragg dramatically end an investigation only to renew it, and then say, “Psyche! Just kidding!”? Ditto for Garland. If any of them really lacked the will to follow the law, they could just say, “Sorry. We don’t feel the evidence for a conviction is there”. They don’t need grand juries to do that. They don’t need to set themselves up to be looked upon as career failures to do that

Now even with all that said, I at least acknowledge that you may wind up being right and these grand juries will decide not to indict. But how about you giving me your reasons for why they’d come to that conclusion, instead of just saying, “Well it hasn’t happened yet, so it won’t”. That’s a terrible and unthinking deduction to make. On what basis will they decide not to indict?

Anyway, it doesn’t matter. You’re gonna be right every day until you’re not. And then you’ll come up with more reasons for why we should all be defeatists

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Imagine thinking it makes a difference either way! Like, “hey look honey, the democracy is real!”


Exactly. The democracy we live under is an illusion anyway. But accountability for Trump and his minions would be a start in the right direction. Most of this right v left nonsense is bullshit. The real fight is the working class against the elite imo

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Dude this is getting towards some ikesian levels of digging in, I mean on sept 6th will you admit its all over? If not, when?

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Dude they couldn’t even get Matt Gaetz.


We aren’t moving goal posts. We said he will never be indicted. And he hasn’t been indicted. It’s been 7 years.

Mueller also listed multiple crimes. Guess where that went.

I’m trying very hard not to be insulting, but everyone can’t possibly be this thick. It hasn’t been 7 years. It’s been just over 2. He was POTUS throughout the Mueller investigation and there’s a stupid DoJ policy that you can’t indict a sitting president let alone that he had already installed his own personal partisan AG in Barr. THIS IS NOT THE SAME!

And yes, Garland could’ve picked up where Mueller left off after 1/20/21, but it’s at least understandable why he didn’t want the appearance of a partisan prosecution. This is all NEW SINCE THEN (meaning >>> DIFFERENT). In 2 years, there have been 4 new separate investigations opened all nearing the end, and none of which we know the results of yet. Coming up with: It’s been 7 years and nothing ever happens is just cloudy thinking. Time will tell

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If they had all these charges lined up. It’s been 27 months since he has no longer been president. Multiple 1-6 people are currently in jail

And yet trump

God damn nothing.

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You’re wearing me out lol. C’mon, those are foot soldiers man! Do you honestly think it’s the same thing to go after (and ensure a conviction) of a former POTUS? You’re being so unreasonable I have to be done. Like I said. Only time will tell

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Solid troll


Bigger more solid troll

I don’t think Cactus is trolling.

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If Alex Murdaugh can get convicted in his backyard, so can citizen Trump.

Except when he had to deal with the fallout of losing, embarrassingly, to Sleepy Joe.

I wouldn’t be so dismissive.

Also, “real” is doing some mysterious work here.

I think a conviction is likely if he’s indicted.

There are millions of people in this country who vaguely know, at best, who Trump is.

This is basically what the verysmart folks said would happen when GOP governors in swing states just handed the election to Trump.

Then that…didn’t happen.
