The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

Good for them giving Eugene Goodman a position of honor.

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Wait a minute, this looks like an inauguration. I’ve been told that there would be mass arrests of biden and company! What the hell? It’s almost like Qanon is full of shit


You’ve gotta be fucking kidding

Dubya lookin old

Is Trump not president yet or do we have another hour of this bullshit?

Yeah, but I don’t think he was really serious that first run. There have been a number of stories published that talk about how the humiliation at the Correspondents’ Dinner changed something in him. But, I hope you’re right and this won’t be another motivating event for him and he fades away into another sad, shameful footnote of our history.

LOL Alito & Thomas skipping this, absolute children.


Biden officially becomes POTUS at noon, regardless of pomp and circumstance.

He is old.

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In the pit of his stomach he believes that if had gone balls-out on his worst instincts it would have worked and he’d still be president and probably would be forever. And he might be right.



Yeah was shocked they called it and it went to Trump ultimately.


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He was honestly still a joke candidate in 2016 until the Mexicans comment put wind in his sails. He jumped from the bottom of the pack into the mid tier of candidates overnight.

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Dubya wearing a blue tie, so edgy.

When you’re accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression.

It shows a weird universal.truth about the human psyche, that no matter your actual lot in life, you can be convinced to frame it however you want. You can be living incredibly well off but still be convinced that you’re a victim and that you should have more.

What better person to have as your messiah than someone who is even far richer than you, yet displays a clinical level of persecution complex.

He is also their perfect role model because just like how a lot of them are losing everything, Trump ran for president because he thought it would boost his brand. And now he’s leaving office disgraced, with his businesses in ruins, about to deal with unending legal issues for the rest of his days, and an outside chance of going to jail. And he will go down in history as one of the WOAT world leaders. All because being a typical con artist wasn’t enough for him. I honestly hope humanity doesn’t blow itself up before we make contact, because the exploits of this utter garbage person deserve to be known throughout at least our local cluster.

Truly one of the greatest pieces of **** humans to ever walk the face of the earth. **** him and **** his supporters forever.

22 killing it a bit this morning.



Also one of his main competitors was Ted Cruz. C’mon. Impossible for that guy to win. Rubio is too short. Jeb! really blew it with that low energy.


Speaking of why is Cruz even at the inauguration? TF.

He’s hedging, hoping he gets a chance to tell the story of his father coming to this country with a Franklin in his underwear.

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It gets me every time that her name is literally KAREN