The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

Let’s record ourselves committing crimes, but “dude put on gloves!” :rofl:


The best part about the NightStalker documentary on Netflix was to see her massively fucking things up 50 years ago.

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He has no clue. Why would he? He surrounds himself with people that kiss his ass. Everyone knows going into the room that if you criticize him, you are out.

Netflix keeps recommending Gilmore Girls to me. I have never seen an episode. Obviously I am very masculine and this just has to be an error in their algorithm. Nevertheless I am this close to giving in and giving the show a chance. Only ironically, of course.


Did you like the Marvelous Mrs Maisel?

Haven’t seen it yet but it’s on my list because it has been universally praised.

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I’ve actually had this exact conversation with a Trumpy person, and when I mentioned those details she was nonplussed. It had never occurred to her to think that far into it.

As much as I want to laugh, it’s really not much different than when people on the left say they’re going to leave the US without seeming to realize that you can’t permanently live somewhere the same way you can go there on vacation. It’s an empty thing some people say but will never do, so the nuts and bolts practicalities don’t really matter.

That account has some nice bigotry.

After that

Watch Dawson creek


At least when people on the left say it they would actually be leaving for a place that more closely fits their ideals, regardless of how serious they might be. (But I’ve been serious enough to spend hours and hours over the past couple of years researching viable countries with my inlaws who also want to leave.)

My righty brother told me if we get universal health care he was leaving for Canada! I mean that makes no sense at all.


I think there’s a big difference between ‘planning’ to move to a “socialist” country because the US is becoming too “socialist”, and ‘planning’ to move to a “socialist” country because you’re tired of not seeing the US take care of it’s citizens.

…though, that my not have technically been your point.

Or what Jbro said.

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It’s been a wild 4 years.



I thought I’d feel relief. I don’t. I feel rage and sadness and hopelessness.

This man is beyond description. Scumbag, asshole, idiot, bigot, loser, bully, narcissist, coward, liar. Not a single redeeming quality. I’m glad he is leaving.

But ultimately I just can’t get past how many people wanted it. Tens of millions of people. I don’t know how its possible. I know its media and Facebook and loneliness and all that, but those things simply bring out what’s already there. And 30-40% of the entire country is completely fucking hopeless.



Either way, as soon as he finds out what would to happen with his taxes (if we assume he could even get in and find a job that pays anywhere near his current huge salary) he would be out.

They forgot the toilet paper on the shoe walk…one of my favorites.


Sure, if for no other reason than relative wealth and visa-free entry to 90% of the globe. These discussions have happened several times on the forum. I’m just saying that few who say it really think it through and there is a lot more to consider than most seem to appreciate.

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Yeah, it seems just being able to move money freely has now become a huge PITA.