The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

He capitalizes “bill” every time, so seems legit.

I still somehow keep expecting the GOP money guys to stop this shit, even thought it is quite obvious that’s not going to happen.

If the money guys were in control Romney would have won.


This (white reaction) is the golden ticket to another generation of keeping all the money and power, the R money types are all in. If they go back to flaccid Jeb! candidates, they will lose, they know it, that’s why things are the way they are.

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Once republicans rig shit republicans will be the only game in town and will have full power over corporations. It’s much better for them to have a divided government

This train continuing to get out of control is risky for them. Republicans won’t need them anymore, the corporations will need republicans

Impeachment w/ disqualification from office was the last chance, no way to even slow him down now. And impeachment would have been a suicide mission for establishment Rs. He would just put Trump Jr. up, maybe as a 3rd party, w/ a platform primarily focused on primarying RINOs and pursuing a Constitutional amendment or some shit to making Trump Sr. eligible again, lol.

Right, once it’s one party rule Trump just starts shaking down and plundering corporations, this is incredibly obvious and I can’t believe these assholes don’t see it coming.

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Trump might have meant to call him Old Broken Pidgin, which would make sense if at some point Mitch travels back in time to get Grassley to return him to his owners.

They kind of tried with the whole pledge not to donate to the 150 R House members that voted not to certify Biden’s victory and then McCarthy, Trump, etc. just laughed and pulled a “Look at me, I’m the captain now” on them. Sure McCarthy just whipped out the data showing that they were overwhelming favorites to win in 2022, the rich donors turning against Rs only made them more popular/powerful and Rs could raise all the money they need from their rabid small donors.

So now it’s just play ball, delay the pain and hope for the best.

Yeah I guess the ballgame is just hoping he dies before he gets to go full Putin.

Large corporations are packed full of establishment Dems, all the way up to the C suite. Like, they might consider voting for Romney types but they hate instability and they hate Trump. Populism, right or left, is a disaster for them. Many of these people were Rs pre Trump, and may have voted for him in 2016 hoping the mythical Reasonable Republicans would lower taxes and keep him in check, but they are not all in on Trump these days. Many of these people are the ones pushing the “we need a strong Republican party” nonsense with the eDems.

Its the generational wealth class that loves Trump because they like his culture war stuff and they sincerely believe that they can never lose.


Seems like as the right gets increasingly more violent, even if just in their rhetoric, its going to be hard for any respectable business person to be all in on Trump. At best, its a really bad look.

I saw a billboard yesterday that was Trump giving the thumbs up and dancing or something, and it said TRUMP WON! In big font and in smaller font it said INDEPENDENT AUDITORS HAVE PROVEN IT

and I was trying to think like, what is the value in buying this billboard?

if putin dies, lots of euro far right parties fold. gop probably has launched their own disinfo stack already, but i would bet they’re not going to be as good at it.

The only shortcoming is that the dog isn’t peeing on it. Great shot.

TrumpLostLOL is my poker screen name on PA partypoker



As much as I know she is a POS I can’t help but continually warm to her

I wish I had photoshop skills so I could make an Old Broken Crow Medicine Show meme, but only bluegrass fans who follow politics would enjoy it.

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