The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

Stop talking about it but still do it, of course. Their base can’t tell the difference and anyway if you say the Democrats did it (even if they haven’t been in power for a decade at that point) they’ll believe it.

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Eh, don’t think they will touch SS/Medicare but may be fooling me too. Guess it’s realistic if they win massive majorities in the coming elections, lock in power and get high on their own supply/can override R holdouts.

The path forward was just playing the refs and winning on social media. The right doesn’t have any message that resonates beyond owning the libs.

Right. Buy another way of thinking about it is that it’s amazing to think that elections were even close pre-Trump when Rs offered mild ownage of the libs w/ toxically unpopular economic Paul Ryan/Mitt Romney policy. Bannon was just like hmmm…. seems like severe ownage of the libs and dialing down the toxic economic stuff would crush.

All the way back to 2016…… like why wouldn’t you bring all Bill Clinton’s accusers up to the debate after Hillary hit you with the Access Hollywood tape? I remember the DC elite being like “that is crude and disgusting behavior by Trump that will turn off swing voters!” My brain wanted that to be true but my gut was like “hmmm, pretty sure Trump just owned the shit out of the Clintons there.”

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I support crude and disgusting behavior.

still whitewashing the administration’s appointees. like, he objected to some political hack kid trying to privatize the military. THAT’S WHAT YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO DO!

I want to apologize to Mark T. Esper, former president Donald Trump’s fourth and second-to-last defense secretary. I may have been too harsh on the man who became known as “Yesper” for accommodating Trump. As I noted in March: “He did not vocally protest pardons for war criminals, the use of the defense budget to build a border wall or the withdrawal of troops from Germany.” But now that we have seen fresh evidence of how much Trump and his henchmen loathed Esper, he is rising in my estimation.

That evidence comes courtesy of ABC News reporter Jonathan Karl, who has unearthed a memorandum from Johnny McEntee, Trump’s director of presidential personnel, listing 14 reasons for ousting Esper. That document was dated Oct. 19, 2020. Three weeks later Esper was fired by a Trump tweet.

The very premise of McEntee’s memo was both sinister and ludicrous — a 30-year-old of no professional or intellectual distinction, whose path to power was carrying Trump’s bags, was making the case for getting rid of a senior Cabinet officer for insufficient loyalty to the president. This revealing and chilling document deserves to be read not as a historical curiosity but as a terrible portent of what could be in store if Trump wins another term. He appears determined to turn the military into his personal goon squad.


But zero popped collars, pills tho…

This really is spot on.


So I check the headlines in the morning as usual, and it’s like the 5th straight day for this shit:


Checked Google, these are actual top 5 headlines pasted in:

The problem is that, with the exception of the bottom one, these headlines are just not true. Trump is a deranged idiotic monster and I hate to defend him but an honest listening of the audio shows his “common sense” comment is about Pence’s potential action to overturn the election, not about the protester chants.

Trump: …But, but - no, I think -
Karl: Because you heard those chants, that was terrible, I mean, those, you know the…
Trump: He could have - well, the people were very angry…
Karl: They were saying, “Hang Mike Pence”…
Trump: Because it’s, it’s common sense, Jon, it’s common sense, that you’re supposed to protect…How can you - if you know a vote is fraudulent, right? How can you pass on a fraudulent vote to Congress?

Karl injects “Hang Mike Pence” into a sentence that Trump was already in the middle of expressing. I don’t know why this irritates me so much. Maybe what seems to be almost a coordinated effort to misrepresent the conversation.


Hanging mike pence seems like common sense to me. I mean he’s pretty far down the list but he’s def on it.


This is a tough one. I think its actually a net positive for society to have conservative figureheads that are uninspiring cowards with no charisma. Ain’t nobody rounding up liberals in the name of Grand Emperor Pence.

I’d think having a Karen for a wife nails it

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This is the most letthemfight.gif of letthemfight.gifs.

Nah, we are fucked. Rs won’t lose a single vote over this fight because it’s not much of a “fight,” Trump is going to steamroll him. Then you remember Mitch’s only real crime in Trump’s book is not helping him steal 2020. By 2024, Trump will have successfully intimidated the vast majority of Rs into helping him steal the 2024 election. Hell, it’s been one year and he is almost there. He has got another 3 years to finish the job off.

This is a nice little show in the end. Mitch is untouchable and so are the GOP Senators that will make him majority leader again. Trump yet again backs into the correct play via narcissism, he gets continued, potentially increased support from the burn it all down white grievance crowd while losing zero votes from donor class Mitch folks.

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Kind of, Trump has already bullied Mitch into fully backing Herschel Walker, a deranged Trumper who tried to kill his wife, for Georgia Senate.

The 6 year Senate terms make it an uphill climb, but the one thing you have to give to Trump is that he is relentless and in it for the long haul. Any sane person would have slinked into the shadows after losing 2020 but he is clearly determined to remake the party in his image if it’s the last thing he does. If he doesn’t get the job done in 2024, he’ll just turn to 2028 and on and on until he has taken his last breath.

Only way this stops is when Trump dies or candidates who defy Trump start winning primaries in red states. Not looking too hot on the later:

Wait is this real? I can’t even tell anymore.