The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

LOL, Imagine being a tech executive and deciding to move your mission-critical data from AWS to the Trump Cloud.


i don’t know. it looks like it’s trading, but who knows if those who are holding the most shares can even sell any. the soft launch could run into a major problem in a matter of hours too. just lol capitalism all around.

Is this another case of those “efficient markets” I keep hearing about?

Or your payment processing from Stripe to Trump! Nothing that can go wrong there, folks.

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Great job SEC as always

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unfortunately that is a pretty standard slide in my industry. it’s almost required to prey on the board/investors sunk cost feelings to survive, even though no one takes the plans to take on netflix/aws seriously.

i just don’t understand how they got legitimately big firms to commit that much new money, which wouldn’t even be enough to compete with instagram, much less with all of fb, disney+, or cnn.

eta: maybe i’m making a bad assumption that those are legit firms. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

I can’t wait until people are talking about moats and walled gardens but for politically branded things. I’d like to vote Democrat but I’m already using TMTG and I’d have to learn a whole new way to use my phone and create new accounts so what can you do?

There is a ALOT of capital out there and there are not nearly enough good projects to soak it all up. One understated problem with the economy is that capital allocation is hilariously inefficient now. Large blue chip companies are mostly out of ideas and spend their time doing stuff like distributing money back to shareholders with stock buy backs. Start ups are mostly incinerating capital by losing money quarter after quarter after quarter providing services nobody wants. It’s a crazy economy, in a way, but also a natural consequence of a policy system based on “every problem should be solved by giving rich people more money and calling it liquidity”.

All that to say, people all over the place are throwing money at highly dubious enterprises. At least if you “invest” in Trump’s stupid thing you have a foot in the door with potential future authoritarian governments. That’s something!


heh. this might be the next GME, on top of being the next parler

Saw this from 2019.


We Got Hims just coming down like rain!

Guess what?

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I think the Trump tech team is who twoplustwo was in discussions with about the site upgrade before selling it.


Seems like the foundation for UPnet

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Nice little 15 bagger so far.

Lol stonks.

Trump is going to make $3 billion off this scam? I truly hate this country.


Can someone ELI5 the difference between DWAC and DWACW?