The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

He’s running.

Seems like an announcement of this sort would be the easiest way for the Dems to keep the house in 2022.

But wait! Need a politico beat writer to do damage control on this:

To which the original tweeter responds:

This is probably lol Jim Jordan but Im sure all will be revealed…

Trump is definitely running but my guess is he doesn’t announce it until after the mid terms.

Maybe we will get lucky and he will jump the gun because Biden looks so weak right now.

Still doubt Dems keep the house with the new voting laws.

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Announcing after midterms would make sense in terms of strategy; but if he announces after midterms, midterms won’t be about him.


He should wait but probably won’t because a) he doesn’t actually care about the GOP or really anything other than himself and b) when officially running he can get back in full grift mode.

Zero chance he waits till the midterms to announce. 1) the attention is something he craves more than junkies desire heroin and 2) it lets him start running, doing rallies, and the associated grifting ASAP. Absolutely no chance he sits out a campaign season ever again as long as he draws breath.

I absolutely believe in b, so I’m actually surprised that he didn’t announce in January. Why didn’t he do that?

He’s a showman. You don’t blow your big reveal straight away you have to build up to it. Increase the tension, give people time to get invested and talk about you some more. That’s why he ran the government like a shitty tv episode.

Yes, but that’s less time he can get his grift on. And he loves getting his grift on. A lot.

If he waits for after the mid-term elections:

If Republicans win, he can spin it as a repudiation of Biden and the Democrats and America clamoring for a return to Trump. If Republicans lose, then he can claim that the GOP is lost without Trump and need him to run again.

I think he is waiting and might continue to wait because he wants and needs a republican house of Congress to run interference for him. If it wasn’t for that I think he would have announced immediately.

I think Joe looking bad might encourage him to do it sooner, but I’m sure republicans are bribing him and convincing him that waiting until after is better

Fame > Money

I think if somehow republicans los both houses he doesn’t run

You think he picks famous and broke over rich and unknown?

Subconsciously yes. That is basically how he was living before 2016 right? Famous for being rich while not actually being all that rich.

In an instant.

Is this speaking tour thing still happening? Article says most of the dates are in December, so maybe he teases “a big announcement” to juice ticket sales?

Donnie Dumb Dumb’s behavior and decision making is always driven by his narcissistic personality disorder. He’s going to choose the course that gives him the most surges of narcissistic power. That could be immediate announcement that he’s running so he can give his incoherent rant speeches to crowds of cult members. But I suspect that the maximum narcissism play is to encourage a lot of “will he or won’t he” speculation. Narcissists thrive on withholding things that other people want. As long as he ambiguously sits on the sidelines he can enjoy his cult members begging him to run and save the country, while also holding out the promise of endorsements of other candidates to get them to suck up to him and then yank the endorsement back to punish/bully/tease them. How much fun would Donnie Dumb Dumb have getting all the Republican hacks like Cruz and Haley to fall all over themselves praising him hoping for an endorsement, just to have him come in at the last minute and grab it for himself? He literally lives for that stuff.


There was also the fact that he was busy riling up his base about 2020 being stolen from them and filing to run in 2024 would have been an admission he lost fairly.

If he suddenly starts bringing up Grover Cleveland we can be pretty sure he’s running again.

Interestingly, this is exactly what LBJ did in 1960. He basically had the nomination locked up but refused to actually say he was running, at which point Joe Kennedy went around and bought off all the delegates. By the time LBJ admitted he wanted the nomination it was too late. This will of course never happen to Trump but the episode does weirdly make one yearn for the smoke filled rooms. Some corporate piece of shit like Lawlenty or Bobby Jindal or whoever looks pretty great right about now.

At the beginning of January he was busy insurrectioning. Then there was a refractory period spent on golf and sitting around Mar-a-Lago with the occasional wedding crashing.

He’ll try to have it both ways for a while. “Many people are saying I should run. ‘Sir, you have to run!’ they say. And they have tears in their eyes. ‘Sir,’ they say, ‘please, you have to save us from Sleepy Joe and Crazy Nancy!’”