The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

I think his identity is known widely enough for him and his family to receive death threats that forced him to leave his home.

Yeah he got doxxed by some right wing shit so anyone who r rally wants to know who it s can find out.

Not sure why he would want to go on CNBC though. Maybe just speak his mind about how insane all these people are.

Just to clarify, the tweet is from CNBC, but the interview will air tomorrow on the NBC Nightly News broadcast, presumably with Lester Holt. Now that he’s been officially cleared, I assume he wants to get out in front of the civil lawsuit(s) that are coming. Framing matters and I hope he pulls no punches and calls them terrorists and traitors. I also hope he brings his lawyer.

I mean dudes a cop. Qualified immunity and cops are just generally above the law and suits

I doubt he is worries about civil suits

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But PD and government do have potential liability, right? Probably not everybody will be happy he’s out there talking. He may want the publicity for whatever profitable projects come his way.

Not really. Even if qualified immunity us waved, which is really rare, it’s the tax payer which foots the bill.

Afaik individual cops never get personally sued

Yeah, ultimately taxpayers pay. Just saying there must be people in between who don’t want to be sued because it makes them look bad or whatever. Maybe I was brainwashed by Parks and Rec.

He has zero threat of civil suits. I’m sure the MAGA shitheads are already making his life a living hell, so may as well get some cash out of the deal.

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I will neither confirm nor deny it.

Honestly expect the az audit endgame to be that they quietly slip away in the night and its never heard of or brought up again.

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If the Chinese were able to hack the election to make Biden the winner (and Mike Lindell has the packets that prove this happened), have to believe that the AZ audit never had a chance. Too many goddamn packets.

Or right before 2022.

Im expecting them to drag it out until right before midterms, hype something right before it for GOTV, and right after release some mealy mouthed bs and disappear with the approving nod and paychecks of right wing mega donors

WTF, now I love the death penalty

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All I see is a poor troubled youth. The death penalty is supposed to be for urban thugs!

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Blood boiling

Fave reply so far



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personally I would have used the pic of him walking down the “VERY STEEP” ramp at west point

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