The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

If he said we dodged a bullet, I couldn’t dispute it.

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I see no issue with this plan.


First you get the sugar. Then you get the power. Then you get the women.

You don’t do it in reverse order the way Biden and our woke Generals did.


Hahah that was my first thought too

First you get the beer!

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The terrifying lows, the dizzying highs, the creammmmmmmmy middles!

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NEVER ! Never, Melania! I can’t live the buttoned-down life like you. … I’ll never be the darling of the so-called “Deep State Fathers” who cluck their tongues, stroke their beards, and talk about “What’s to be done with this John Barron?”!


Blow up the military bases, THEN remove the crispy remains of our soldiers

No but seriously how funny would it be to say you’re doing an orderly transition and the afghan government can stand on their own and start blowing up your bases on your way out. “Good luck, guys”


I’ll tell you what that plan doesn’t sound like: chaos.


I’m still chuckling at “woke generals”. Imagine the levels of delusion to nod your head at this phrase.

When you hear the term “woke” what groups do you think of? For me it’s definitely:

  1. Bernie/AOC supporters
  2. BLM / George Floyd protesters
  3. General Officers of the United States Army

It’s because of that recent GEN Milley testimony to Congress where he argued that the US military should at least be open to the idea of being a little more woke on race issues

They’re mostly mad he said he wants to understand white rage and what lead to January 6th.

Also probably mad he didn’t use the military to save trump

Trump too stupid to organize an insurrection. Suck it libs.

“Ninety to ninety-five percent of these are one-off cases,” a former law-enforcement official familiar with the investigation told Reuters. “There was no grand scheme with Roger Stone and Alex Jones and all of these people to storm the Capitol and take hostages.”

I’ve been saying this!

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Wait, who was alleging that it was “organized”?

What they need to be looking for was evidence of a dumbass, disorganized plot. If there was none of that, they they weren’t looking hard enough.


Well, I saw it happen. We all saw it.

hitler’s wasn’t organized either

oh right he only served 9 months in minimum for it and got a trial where he could spout off whatever he wanted that everyone watched

and only got the 9 months because the main judge had to stop the nazi judges from just letting him walk

the way old days you sure as hell didn’t get a 2nd attempt at these things

…don’t forget he wrote his book in prison.