The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

They blame Q for the capitol stuff and think real trump supporters would never do such a thing, even though the election was stolen.

They think they aren’t racist because their bar for being racist is if you’re in the KKK or say the hard R. Even the hard R is negotiable.

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Went through all that, didn’t get paid, and destroyed what was left of his reputation in the process.

And again I ask why?

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There are always a handful of non-white people there. The Candace Owens of the world do have precursors, and those are the ones who go.

And a few of these people get put up right behind Florida Man to remind everyone how not racist they really are.

So I have no doubt that before, after, and during Trump rallies they will remain steadfast in their belief that they are absolutely not racist.



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LOL. I saw someone mention her different arm sizes in that photo just now.

The level of excitement on that one girls face is just…sad. pathetic? I don’t know. I almost feel bad for this dipshits whose entire identity revolves around worshipping fascist losers.

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Look at these people. Trump wouldn’t piss on them if they were on fire.


There’s more people there than most of his rallies during election run it looks like. Imagine wasting a summer night going to that bullshit.

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Jesus christ lol. We were all lol without twitter nobody cares but nah look at this shit, im bum fuck ohio he still draws crowds like this.

With new voting laws in place he will be president again in 2024. It’s why he’s pushing for them so hard. He’s probably waiting for 2022 to pass and reps to take the house so he knows there won’t be any voting rights stuff passed to declare his candidacy.

With the purge, new laws etc, he legit can’t lose. They will absolutely send their own electors for him.


I think the time of acceptance is here and instead of saying WAAF carefully navigating the best path forward is best.

Someone joked about UP buying land and letting someone work on it but I would be down for that.


I joked a bunch about us having a compound, but with recent divisions I don’t think it’ll work out well.

Unless of course I’m the cult leader. Then smoooooth sailing.

I need passive income so I can get a dope van and just drive around and go to festivals all summer, summer of love style. Someone go fund that for me.

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hell yeah trains rule

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just had a thought I didn’t think I’d have after seeing that footage-

‘might be a good time to buy a rifle’

am I becoming one of them? Suppose I can fit in real good with those types of people though if it really came to it.

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This is all coming full circle connecting to my dream of homesteading and throwing mountain raves.

Could be the greatest parties ever or a horror film.

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Anyone following the environment and world affairs was shook long before Trump.

I think the correct play is to buy 3+ acres and stick a minimalist homestead on it. Worst case scenario you have some land and learn some new skills.

Comcentated wealth is going to buy up all the real estate anyways so that’s another plus to getting land now.

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Once it gets to that point you obv won’t need the deed but you you at least have a plan and a path forward.

Youre actually making by point stronger since you won’t need to pay in full and your monthly payment on bare land is minimal.