The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

He was 2nd to trump. wut

yes there’s a section of trumpers but in the end many are still gonna vote just against the socialist.

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I am still struggling to understand the argument that a counterexample to an assertion on who can win the R nomination is a person who failed to win the R nomination.

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I am struggling to understand your argument, no trump=cruz wins and the anti hillary brigade still votes for the guy. Obviously trump runs he wins. Trump would still endorse Haley, hell she’s more game of thrones style than he is.

There are some pure trump or bust votes but it’s not as much as I thought it’d be from the GA runoffs.

Hillary sentiment doesn’t matter, we’re talking about the Republican primary.

“No Trump” hypotheticals don’t matter either, for 2024 the R party = the Trump Party.

The Rs are increasingly overtly white supremacist and anti-democratic. Haley’s equity is 0% without an explicit Donnie Dumb Dumb endorsement, in which case they will all line up behind her assuming she signs the Presidency over on day 1 or something. But in a competitive field against white men she will get smoked.

Certainly true for Haley, but probably true for everyone else too.

If Trump doesn’t run, whoever he endorses will be a MASSIVE favorite to win the R nomination. Almost everyone in the 2024 primary will be strategizing for an audience of 1.

Yeah I agree with that. I don’t think that Donne Dumb Dumb will eagerly make and endorsement though. His dream scenario, what he literally lives and breathes for, is to have something that other people want so that he can withhold it. It’s classic NPD and he built a whole reality TV show around the concept! He is going to milk it for every last drop of attention.


I could totally picture him teasing an endorsement for months just to stay in the news, then leave them all twisting in the wind without giving one…or doing something like joining the race at the last minute to fuck them all over.


Yeah, he’s going to love the process of having people on the teevee doing “will he or won’t he” speculation and he’s going to love all the reports about Trumpers begging him to run and save the country.

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He’s absolutely the favorite imo.

If he’s alive, he’s going to run. For the attention, and for the chance to get back into office and get out of a bunch of legal problems and get revenge on some people. Mostly for the revenge part. At the least, he can then cry witch hunt for any new and ongoing legal problems.

And if he runs, he absolutely 100% wins the nomination. Hell he’s probably the favorite to be the next president at the rate voter suppression measures are getting passed.

He was like 50k votes from winning last time with 500k dead from COVID. He’s probably a favorite to win in 2024, though he could certainly lose his fastball by age 78. Even that may not matter.

Plus what really helped us was his supporters 100% confident he was going to win. They are going to go full brown shirt insane shit at the polls.

It would be pure insanity

So much this. People are gonna be kneeling and kissing his ring for a long time to get his endorsement. He might just let them fellate him and never give his support.

Interesting stuff - especially that Trump is nothing without his multiplier effect. Which unfortunately suggests to me that Trump is more of an idea than a person to deplorables. Which means no way Trumpism dies with Trump. They just all need to settle on successor to start amplifying.


I mean wasn’t this pretty much him in 2012? Stupid fucker is gonna manage to be in the news cycle nonstop for four straight elections.

Oh Trump was the Facebook candidate. I do not think he could win again with social media bans. It’s just too much of a hurdle these days.

If he wins the nom they are likely to lift the ban. Freeze Peach etc.

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NYT has 5x the followers than TDW has on Facebook.

Going to be fun when Trump is elected in 2024 and we get to watch Biden, AOC, and all the other democrats get prosecuted and thrown in jail for some type of minor campaign finance violation.

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And you know what? It will serve them right if they don’t change voting laws.


He’s a man.

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