The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

Obviously he can’t admit it, even to himself probably, but it would be trumps worst fucking nightmare to wake up one morning and find out he’s been reinstated as president. He has everything he ever wanted (overtanned dealership owners in mar a lago worshiping the ground he walks on + a permanent no effort income stream that even he can’t fuck up that badly), and he doesn’t even have to pretend to like read briefings or anything anymore.


But he wants the megaphone, and he wants the power to smite his enemies. He has everything he should want, but that’s not what he actually wants.


I assume if Trump runs again he will have a true toadie at VP running the to day so he can spend more time at rallies and really going after his enemies. Not sure there’s a need for the veneer of a Mike Pence this go round.

Sorely tempted to back up the truck and buy PI stock in DeSantis being the next Republican POTUS nominee. Dude is always hitting the Facebook grandpa kulturkampf talking points all the time.

edit: lol nvm I already bought a bunch of shares a while back

I’ve been very bullish on DeSantis for a long time. He’s infuriatingly good at animating deplorables while courting mega donor corporate types. His only weakness is a lack of charisma.

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I mean Mike Pence was willing to chance getting hung and didn’t say shit. I guess a true toadie would have refused to certify the election results but that would have had no effect on either the election or his chances of getting hung, so I’m not seeing much of a difference.

I don’t think anyone has more WIM than DeSantis. Every time I see him he’s out there mashing the g-spot of Angry Boomer politics. He’s ready on day one of Pride Month to shit on transgender teens, no one has that kind of hustle right now.


Pence was cowed like the rest of them, but not a true Trump believer. I’m thinking more like an offspring or Mike Flynn type.

Edit: yeah or DeSantis I guess best case

you know who should buy it? hunter’s chinese-ukranian colleagues. that would just be chef’s kiss.



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Yet there are 70 million voting-age people in the country who want to do it all over again.

Whoever Trump endorses gets the nom. Ronny Dumb Dumb has proven that he’s willing to suck up to Donnie Dumb Dumb so there’s a good chance he gets it.

The general election is different. There charisma counts because Trumpers are inherently lazy and have to truly believe that their vote is owning some libs to bother to vote.

I’m totally stealing this.

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Miller couldn’t get Trump to learn Wordpress

Former President Donald Trump’s blog — a webpage where he shared statements after larger social media companies banned him from their platforms — has been permanently shut down, his spokesman said Wednesday.

The page, “From the Desk of Donald J. Trump,” has been scrubbed from Trump’s website and “will not be returning,” his senior aide Jason Miller told CNBC.

“It was just auxiliary to the broader efforts we have and are working on,” Miller said in email correspondence.


Coffee boy.

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Compared to the others who want it? Cotton is a tool, Hawley is even more of a nerd, Cruz is a loser. Santis is my lead horse right now.



Princeton, Harvard

Yale, Harvard



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You either are
A a Trumper or
B Donald is a family name and you are hoping beyond hope that the name does not scar the kid.

C, a duck.